"id": "qianPhononengineeredExtremeThermal2021",
"type": "article-journal",
"abstract": "Materials with ultrahigh or low thermal conductivity are desirable for many technological applications, such as thermal management of electronic and photonic devices, heat exchangers, energy converters and thermal insulation. Recent advances in simulation tools (first principles, the atomistic Green’s function and molecular dynamics) and experimental techniques (pump–probe techniques and microfabricated platforms) have led to new insights on phonon transport and scattering in materials and the discovery of new thermal materials, and are enabling the engineering of phonons towards desired thermal properties. We review recent discoveries of both inorganic and organic materials with ultrahigh and low thermal conductivity, highlighting heat-conduction physics, strategies used to change thermal conductivity, and future directions to achieve extreme thermal conductivities in solid-state materials.",
"container-title": "Nature Materials",
"DOI": "10.1038/s41563-021-00918-3",
"ISSN": "1476-4660",
"language": "en",
"note": "type: Journal article",
"page": "1188–1202",
"title": "Phonon-engineered extreme thermal conductivity materials",
"URL": "https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-021-00918-3",
"volume": "20",
"author": [
"family": "Qian",
"given": "Xin"
"family": "Zhou",
"given": "Jiawei"
"family": "Chen",
"given": "Gang"
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
CSL 样式:418huazhong-university-of-science-and-technology.csl
插入参考文献时,绝大多数文献格式正确,但是个别文献插入的格式错误如下: [1] X. Qian, J. Zhou, G. Chen. Phonon-engineered extreme thermal conductivity materials. In: Nature Materials: Vol. 20, 2021: 1188-1202 该文献为期刊文献,因此不该出现"In: "以及"Vol."等字样 (在Zotero中"Item Type"为"Journal Article"无误) 我想确认一下这是csl文件的问题还是Zotero内部对文献的分类出了问题。