zotero / citeproc-js-server

Web service to generate citations and bibliographies using citeproc-js
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Allow loading of remote styles #18

Closed fcheslack closed 9 years ago

fcheslack commented 9 years ago

Accept remote style url to fetch and cache. Use initialized engine for current request and cache like other engines for subsequent requests.

rmzelle commented 9 years ago

Is this possible now in the Zotero API?

rmzelle commented 9 years ago

(I've been asked again to please, please accept a style into the repo so a university can use their custom style for their Zotero API-generated bibliographies, and I much rather wouldn't since the style would have a single user and doesn't really belong in the CSL styles repo. I could accept it temporary, but that has some drawbacks as well (like repo bloat).)

rmzelle commented 9 years ago

(and we've decline half a dozen similar Zotero-API styles in the past, so the demand is clearly there)

fcheslack commented 9 years ago

It is not yet.


rmzelle commented 9 years ago

And now? :) (since https://github.com/zotero/dataserver/issues/24 was just closed)

I guess not since, since https://api.zotero.org/users/475425/items/X42A7DEE?format=bib&style=apa works for me, but https://api.zotero.org/users/475425/items/X42A7DEE?format=bib&style=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citation-style-language/styles/master/apa.csl gives "Invalid style"?

dstillman commented 9 years ago

We'll announce when that's live on the dev list. Should be in the next week or so.

rmzelle commented 9 years ago

Great, thanks.