zotero / citeproc-js-server

Web service to generate citations and bibliographies using citeproc-js
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Add identifiers to generated bibliography items #38

Open uree opened 4 years ago

uree commented 4 years ago

i was wondering if there is a way to influence the html output of bibliography items. the possibility to add citekeys (for example) as ids of html elements could be very useful (think in document linking).

like this:

<div class="csl-bib-body">
  <div class="csl-entry" id="abbott_metabolic_2009">Abbott, Derek A. et al. “Metabolic Engineering of <i>Saccharomyces
    Cerevisiae</i> for Production of Carboxylic Acids: Current Status and Challenges.” <i>FEMS
    Yeast Research</i> 9.8 (2009): 1123–1136. Print.</div>

i can think of a couple of workarounds, but i just wanted to check if i'm missing something simple.