zotero / translators

Zotero Translators
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add aDIS library catalog translator #737

Open adam3smith opened 10 years ago

adam3smith commented 10 years ago

https://blb.ibs-bw.de/aDISWeb/app?service=direct/0/Home/$DirectLink&sp=S127.0.0.1:23002 https://bsz.ibs-bw.de/aDISWeb/app?service=direct/0/Home/$DirectLink&sp=S127.0.0.1:23212

aurimasv commented 9 years ago

Via BibTeX export (seems cleanest), which should be one POST request away.

However, a notice on their website has me a bit worried that this could be harder than it has to (rough translation via Google Translate):

For the operation of our website, please use only the function buttons provided on the site and not forward or back button of your internet browser.

I'm guessing multiples will not work.

zuphilip commented 9 years ago

I will take a look at this. ( Here are some more aDIS catalogues: http://opac.bsz-bw.de/adis.html )

zuphilip commented 9 years ago

The COinS translator seems already to work on these websites. Moreover, some of them have a ressource discovery system RDS (new "online catalogue interface") like VuFind. @aurimasv : Do you have any special interest here or some other background information? I am trying to understand the main motivation for this translator and what should be accomplish afterwards.

aurimasv commented 9 years ago

I have no special interest, but @adam3smith might. I just looked at it to see what metadata is available to determine how difficult it would be to implement.