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CSL-related community feedback for Zotero
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PMID and PMCID (for journalArticle) #10

Open rmzelle opened 13 years ago

rmzelle commented 13 years ago

We probably should add "PMID"/PMID and "PMCID"/PMCID to journalArticle and create the corresponding CSL variables. These identifiers are widely used in the life sciences, and the NIH requires that PMCIDs are used in citations. Other candidates are "arXiv-ID"/arxivID (for the field of physics) and "MathReviews-ID"/mathreviewsID and "Zentralblatt-ID"/zentralblattID identifiers (for math).



avram commented 13 years ago

It would be wonderful if these could all be turned into a field like the current creators field, with supported identifiers in a dropdown menu. The more specialized identifiers have nearly disjoint coverage-- I doubt more than a couple of articles have both MR and PubMed identifiers, so the UI space is almost always wasted otherwise. Then we could add the dropdown-enabled field to pretty much every type, since indeed DOI is theoretically applicable to just about anything.

bdarcus commented 13 years ago

+1 to ajlyon's suggestion. I, for example, will never ever see a PMID in my professional work, so would consider a dedicated field to be noise. How easy would it be to add this sort of selectable field now?

Aside: many of these standard identifiers have URI forms; e.g. info:pmid:xxxxxxxx.

avram commented 13 years ago

Would CSL still have to be made aware of each of these individually? I.e., new variables for each type of identifier?

Continuing the aside, Zotero knows about and uses the URIs internally, since search translators are always given a ContextObject.

rmzelle commented 13 years ago

Note that many papers in the life sciences have both a PMID and a PMCID. If a dropdown menu is used, it would be highly desirable to be able to add extra identifiers fields (e.g. via the same way users can currently add more authors). In that case identifiers that currently have their own field (DOI, ISBN, ISSN) could be moved to the dropdown menu as well. E.g. (quick mockup): http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/1536/identifiers.jpg

rmzelle commented 13 years ago

I strongly prefer individual CSL variables, as a generic identifier variable would be lossy.

avram commented 13 years ago

RE: Mockup. Yes -- that's what I had in mind when I compared this to the creators field.

avram commented 13 years ago

Since the dropdown will probably not happen for 2.1-2.2, what about the original proposal? Can we add PMID/PMCID in the meantime, then migrate non-empty entries when an extensible system appears?

rmzelle commented 13 years ago

FWIW, I strongly support ajlyon's suggestion to add PMID and PMCID variables/fields in CSL/Zotero as a short-term solution.

adam3smith commented 13 years ago

+1 to adding the fields now/asap - from user questions my sense is that we have a ton of people in medicine using Zotero.

rmzelle commented 13 years ago

It's not just medicine. PMIDs and PMCIDs are used throughout the life sciences.

aurimasv commented 12 years ago

It would be wonderful if these could all be turned into a field like the current creators field, with supported identifiers in a dropdown menu. The more specialized identifiers have nearly disjoint coverage-- I doubt more than a couple of articles have both MR and PubMed identifiers, so the UI space is almost always wasted otherwise. Then we could add the dropdown-enabled field to pretty much every type, since indeed DOI is theoretically applicable to just about anything.

Finally I found where this is suggested. I was about to make a suggestion myself. This is exactly how I imagined unique identifiers should be stored. I would like to see the ability to add multiple unique identifiers and be able to select the type of identifier from a drop-down that includes some common ones like DOI, ISBN, ISSN, PMID, etc. (almost exactly like creators).

Unlike creators, I would also allow the user (and a translator) to add an identifier that Zotero does not necessarily cover. This wouldn't really be mapped to a CSL style, but it would have other possibly useful applications. And who knows, if the identifier becomes wide-spread, it may evolve into something required for citations, like PMID has.

I would almost say that this could encompass Catalog + Call Number fields, for instance Library of Congress call numbers. But catalog and call number, while also a unique identifier when taken together, need to be cited differently from PMID or DOI. So it's probably not a good idea to merge that in, but I just wanted to mention it anyway.

Slightly unrelated note, but Is there a Zotero 3.1 branch somewhere? Or has that not been started yet?

adam3smith commented 12 years ago

the "Master" branch is the 3.1/3.5 branch - some of the changes there don't get merged into 3.0.