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Publishing Director (creator role, for book and bookSection) #20

Open rmzelle opened 13 years ago

rmzelle commented 13 years ago

A "Publishing Director" creator role (common in French) should be added to book and bookSection, and mapped to editorial-director in CSL (I'm not sure if there are other item types that could use this role; I don't think this has been discussed).



rmzelle commented 13 years ago

A forum post suggests that this role should also be available for journalArticle: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/8565/?Focus=79818#Comment_79818

gracile-fr commented 13 years ago

And another one suggests that this role should be added to book, bookSection, journalArticle and conferencePaper: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/18174?page=1#Item_3

nalimilan commented 11 years ago

Where are we with regard to that issue? Will such a change be accepted? Is there a solution currently?

adam3smith commented 11 years ago

the CSL change has been made, the Zotero change will almost certainly be accepted, likely for 4.1

gracile-fr commented 7 years ago

Following this comment, could we tackle the main issue here, i.e. how to handle the coexistence of these Editors roles in English?

I can imagine three solutions:

  1. Add a "Critical Editor" or "Text Editor" label for the "editor" field, mapped to CSL "editor". The "Editor" label would be kept for the "publishing director" field, mapped to CSL "editorial-director".

  2. Add a "Publishing Editor" label for the "publishing director" field, mapped to CSL "editorial-director". The "Editor" label would be kept for the "editor" field, mapped to CSL "editor".

  3. Don't even use the simple and single label of "Editor", and both "Critical Editor"/editor/editor and "Publishing Director/publishing director/editorial-director

While the first solution could seem absolutely counter-intuitive, I'd favour it, because my experience (which is obviously limited) is that in the great majority of cases, the "editor" role, in English, corresponds to the concept of "publishing director"/"directeur de publication" (I'm talking of ordinary usage).

UI Label (en/fr): Critical Editor / Éditeur critique Zotero field: editor CSL variable: editor

UI Label (en/fr): Editor / Directeur de publication Zotero field: publishing director CSL variable: editorial-director

See also: https://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html Publishing director [pbd] A person or organization who presides over the elaboration of a collective work to ensure its coherence or continuity. This includes editors-in-chief, literary editors, editors of series, etc. Editor [edt] A person, family, or organization contributing to a resource by revising or elucidating the content, e.g., adding an introduction, notes, or other critical matter. An editor may also prepare a resource for production, publication, or distribution. For major revisions, adaptations, etc., that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, see author Editor of compilation [edc] A person, family, or organization contributing to a collective or aggregate work by selecting and putting together works, or parts of works, by one or more creators. For compilations of data, information, etc., that result in new works, see compiler