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CSL-related community feedback for Zotero
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Periodical #23

Open rmzelle opened 13 years ago

rmzelle commented 13 years ago

There have been requests for a "Periodical" item type, but the idea is still rough.


erazlogo commented 13 years ago

Many requests for periodical item type (mine and others') asked for citing entire runs of periodical. These are cited in bibliography. Here is an example of a request: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/13117/ Entire periodical issues should be cited via the article item type which has all the necessary fields, including "editor" for issue editors.

The fields to include: Title Type (journal, magazine, newspaper) Frequency (monthly, weekly, daily) Place published Publisher Start Year End Year

This info is crucial in research and it would be great to include this item type. There is an old ticket that includes this request: https://www.zotero.org/trac/ticket/661

avram commented 13 years ago

Could we have this handle both single issues and entire runs by simply using date ranges and ranges for issue and volume?

What about CSL mappings?

erazlogo commented 13 years ago

Well, a special issue of a journal requires the issue title and editor. Periodical does not require these fields.

You create two new types, "journal issue" and "periodical."

Or, you can add a "Type" field to journal article instead of the journal issue item type--this will also make it possible to cite journal issues (see example 2 below).

see CMS 16:

14.187 Special issues

A journal issue (occasionally a double issue) devoted to a single theme is known as a special issue. It carries the normal volume and issue number (or numbers if a double issue). Such an issue may have an editor and a title of its own. An article within the issue is cited as in the first example; a special issue as a whole may be cited as in the second example.

42. Sassler, Sharon, “Learning to Be an ‘American Lady’? Ethnic Variation in Daughters’ Pursuits in the Early 1900s,” in “Emergent and Reconfigured Forms of Family Life,” ed. Lora Bex Lempert and Marjorie L. DeVault, special issue, Gender and Society 14, no. 1 (2000): 201–2, http://0-www.jstor.org.mercury.concordia.ca/stable/190427.

Good, Thomas L., ed. “Non-Subject-Matter Outcomes of Schooling.” Special issue, Elementary School Journal 99, no. 5 (1999).
erazlogo commented 13 years ago

On the periodical (entire run) all fields are mapped to CSL, except frequency--not sure where that would go.

gracile-fr commented 13 years ago

What about an "abbreviation" field?

erazlogo commented 13 years ago

Yes definitely abbreviation field would be great.

avram commented 13 years ago

There is a suggestion to add ISBN for Periodical: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/17641/importing-from-endnotes/#Item_15


rmzelle commented 13 years ago

Another example to the one mentioned in the thread is "Topics in Current Genetics": http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/110358/

But the ISBNs are assigned to the individual books in the book series, whereas the ISSNs are assigned to the book series as a whole. So I don't think that the "periodical" item type should get a ISBN field.

avram commented 13 years ago

I was under the impression that user was presenting examples of periodicals in which issues each have an ISBN-- since we've discussed the possibility of "periodical" covering both complete issues and entire runs of a journal, the former case could require the ISBN. If, of course, those issues with ISBNs are in fact just books, and we have no evidence to the contrary, then we can withdraw the proposal and just add ISSN to "book", which is planned already.

avram commented 13 years ago

It has been pointed out (http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/15636/3/changes-to-fields-and-item-types-for-zotero-31-/#Item_19) that some periodical issues have per-issue numbering, and some have, say, per-volume numbering (similarly for supplements, special issues, and other periodical-like items). So it sounds like we want both "numPages" and "pages" for this type (even though, as I believe Bruce pointed out once, the former is sometimes easily derived from the latter).

aurelberra commented 9 years ago

I'm reviving this thread, because it seems the problem hasn't been dealt with in more recent versions of Zotero. I also think that a type is sorely needed for whole (edited) issues of a journal.

adam3smith commented 9 years ago

that's why the ticket is open. No new item types and fields have been added to Zotero since this ticket was opened.

storytracer commented 5 years ago

+1 As a historian, it is the standard case for me that I have entire volumes of newspapers or periodicals in a single PDF file. The "Periodical" item type is essential for me and a most of my colleagues.

denismaier commented 4 years ago

So, we can just add a new type periodical right to cite the periodical as a whole. Concerning the fields, I think we will only need to add a frequency field.


brandelune commented 3 years ago

It looks like the checkout code does not yet include this periodical type. Am I wrong ?

bwiernik commented 3 years ago

I am not sure what you mean by checkout code. This repository does not contain any code. A periodical item type has been added to CSL 1.0.2 and will likely be added to a future Zotero version.

brandelune commented 3 years ago

I mean that I checked out the code (cloned it), built the app and thought that I'd see a "periodical" type after reading all the issues related to that discussion and did not find it.

dstillman commented 3 years ago

Still not clear what code you're talking about, but this entire repo is just for tracking future schema changes. It doesn't have anything to do with current Zotero code.

bwiernik commented 3 years ago

This repository has no code.

The issue tracker was historically a place where changes to item types in CSL and Zotero were discussed. All of the discussed changes have been implemented in CSL. It now serves as a bit of a checklist for the Zotero devs as they update item types and fields in a future Zotero version.

@dstillman It might be a good idea to archive this repository or disable new issues or comments?

brandelune commented 3 years ago

I know that this repository has no code, but tracking this "periodical type" issue led me here and since the issue is not closed I allowed myself a comment regarding the fact that that new type is supposed to be implemented somewhere and I just cloned Zotero's code, built it and it is not there. Hence my comment here regarding the fact that the type did not seem to be implemented yet.

denismaier commented 3 years ago

I allowed myself a comment regarding the fact that that new type is supposed to be implemented somewhere and I just cloned Zotero's code, built it and it is not there.

Yes, the code is implemented in CSL, but it still needs to be added to Zotero, which is why the issue is still open with the Zotero label attached.

bwiernik commented 3 years ago

The best place to discuss future updates to Zotero fields is this thread https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/15636/changes-to-fields-and-item-types-for-zotero-5-1/p16

Zotero item type and field updates are underway. They will be announced when implemented

dstillman commented 1 month ago


Since this is a new type, we can add this at any time with a full list of fields and CSL mappings.

adam3smith commented 1 month ago

The fields shouldn't be terribly difficult, but there's a general conceptual issue we need to agree on. People in the linked thread are actually asking about two different things: 1) Citing an entire journal and 2) Citing an entire journal issue and possibly 3) something in between like an entire journal volume or a journal in a specific time span.

Do we think we can accommodate all of these with a single item type? I think we should be (and I think adding two item types is a bad idea), but we'll want to be clear that that's the goal.

bwiernik commented 1 month ago

We discussed this a bit when we added periodical in 1.0.2 and agreed that we could cover both with one item type. That's what's reflected in the spec https://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#appendix-iii-types

When I see people wanting to cite a whole periodical (versus an issue), it's usually for something like a run of years or volumes (such as the tenure of an editor).

I think both can be accommodated by including volume, issue, and container-title fields. Dates, volumes, and issues can all be ranges and so handle things like a period of years or editor tenure. For special issues, title would be the title of the issue and container-title would be the title of the journal.

It could also potentially include page to handle special sections