zotero / zotero-bits

CSL-related community feedback for Zotero
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Open rmzelle opened 13 years ago

rmzelle commented 13 years ago

The "ISSN" (ISSN) field, currently available for journalArticle and magazineArticle and newspaperArticle, should be added to book, bookSection, report, thesis, conferencePaper, and blogPost.

CSL currently lacks an ISSN variable, so the Zotero field is unmapped. Adding it has been discussed (see second link), but the discussion got mired by me questioning the need for multiple ISSN variables (issn-print, issn-online, issnl). However, with slow progress on overhauling identifier support in Zotero/CSL, I strongly support adding a (generic) ISSN variable to CSL now.



rmzelle commented 13 years ago

Documentation required indicating the use of ISSNs in bibliographic entries.

One thread: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/3853/

bdarcus commented 13 years ago


avram commented 13 years ago

ISSN should also be added to "conferencePaper", pretty much because it's a special case of "bookSection". See, for example, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/freesrchabstract.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5767892

bdarcus commented 13 years ago

If it has a related ISSN, isn't it just a journal article? On May 22, 2011 10:12 AM, "ajlyon" < reply@reply.github.com> wrote:

ISSN should also be added to "conferencePaper", pretty much because it's a special case of "bookSection". See, for example, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/freesrchabstract.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5767892

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/ajlyon/zotero-bits/issues/4#comment_1217323

avram commented 13 years ago

In some sense, yes. But essentially the same logic applies to "bookSection". Book series are frequently assigned ISSNs. Conference papers are published in books. These books are very frequently part of series. These series frequently have ISSNs. We can't use bookSection or journalArticle because they don't include the conference name or place.

I can't say I think this whole arrangement makes a lot of sense-- I certainly think we need to get to work on moving to a flexible hierarchy some day... But while we're in the flat model, these identifiers should be available and exposed.

avram commented 13 years ago

Added blogPost to list of types that need ISSN, per request on zotero-dev. Not surprising, since blogs are getting more official recognition. Jean-Baptiste Bertrand wrote: "As ISSN France now allocates ISSN to blogs (for instance, the french blog zotero.hypotheses.org have the ISSN 2108-6664), it would be great to make the ISSN field available for blog posts!"

crti commented 12 years ago

My support to ISSN field for all plausible item types and the Mapping of ISSN to CSL (to finally make available the output like for ISBN and DOI)

stragu commented 6 years ago

It would be great to also have it for documents. One example: Australian National Greenhouse Accounts is a document published every year, with an ISSN.


HughP commented 3 years ago

in the case of https://zotero.hypotheses.org isn't that an online periodical with digital publication? Perhaps with articles without an issue or volume or even an article number (which WordPress does use internally) [actually, the Editors/authors do think of their content in as occurring in volume/issues, see: https://github.com/zfrancophone/zfrancophone-blog ] I would understand this to mean that this particular case is not a blog? and therefore Hypothesese.org is like the publication series under the publisher OpenEditions.

If it has an ISSN doesn't that make it a serial? I may be alone in my thinking, but presentation software shouldn't make something a blog... many online stores use wordpress, that doesn't make them blogs. I am concerned that that there is a postmodern abstraction going on in the minds of the general citation creator... everything can be anything, and form doesn't matter... https://youtu.be/YZ-geVMR_Jw

adam3smith commented 3 years ago

Does this really matter for any practical purposes? I guess I'd say that anyone who says they're a blog are probably a blog.