zotero / zotero-bits

CSL-related community feedback for Zotero
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Removed setting url to false so persistent link is added to citation. Unh #42

Closed jg123 closed 12 years ago

jg123 commented 12 years ago

Removed setting url to false so persistent link is added to citation. Unhappyness is gone...

jg123 commented 12 years ago

Note this version is not up-to-date with the released version of this translator.

avram commented 12 years ago

For patches, please fork something like https://github.com/zotero/translators -- the zotero-bits repository was my staging area from before Zotero moved the primary translator repository to Github. Updates in zotero/translators go pretty much straight to clients.

As for this specific patch, I'd rather put the persistent link as a link attachment, since it's not a canonical URI for the item. See https://www.zotero.org/trac/ticket/827

I propose addressing this like this: https://github.com/ajlyon/translators/commit/bfc0778ff200ddba93cc506f65dbfcb73fdc833a

If you'd like to handle it another way, fork that repo and open a pull request.