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Illustrator (as for graphic novels) #47

Open adam3smith opened 12 years ago

adam3smith commented 12 years ago

Requested here: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/10349/add-new-general-author-type-illustrator/ and here: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/19849/artist-field-imported-but-how-do-i-do-this-manually/#Item_2

I have confirmed that MLA style requires illustrators to be cited as in:

Dante Alighieri. Inferno. Illus. Barry Moser. Berkeley: U of California P, 1980. Print. documentation: http://www.ithacalibrary.com/research/MLA2009books.pdf http://www.noodletools.com/helpdesk/kb/index.php?action=article&id=143&relid=2 here http://library.csun.edu/egarcia/documents/mlacitationguide_highschool.pdf and Heath, Marilyn S., MLA Made Easy : Citation Basics for Beginners. Linworth Publishing: Santa Barbara et al.

The CSUN link specifically cites the MLA handbook 7th ed. 5.5.12 in case someone wants to check the original. We could either just create this as illustrator or add the artist field for books (and book sections?) and map it to a new CSL variable. I agree this is a bit unfortunate in that it creates a lot of hassle for relatively few cases, but for people dealing with graphic novels this makes perfect sense as a requirement and field.

rmzelle commented 12 years ago

For CSL, should we add an "illustrator" name variable? Or is there something more generic which we could reuse for other roles (e.g. "artist")?

adam3smith commented 12 years ago

I'd be for using "Illustrator" - not strongly, but it seems like it's a specific role and it should also get a specific label, which would cause trouble with a more generic variable.