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differentiate conference contributions: proceedings, slide show, poster #51

Closed wilfriedh closed 4 years ago

wilfriedh commented 12 years ago

Up to now there is only the item type "Conference Paper". Now consider

So there are four types of possible conference contributions:

How to store and cite the last three? "Conference Paper" in Zotero does not have the field "Type". "Presentation" is supported in none of the default styles and inconsistently in some translators, e.g. in ReferBibIX.js it maps to "report", in RDF.js it maps to "event". Moreover, in CSL it maps to "speech", see http://gsl-nagoya-u.net/http/pub/csl-fields/index.html .

The differentiation could either be achieved by activating the "Type" field for conferencePaper - however the current formatting for conferencePaper matches printed proceedings, which often have an ISBN/ISSN, a publisher, a place published, and are available from libraries, and does not match the other types which are most often only available online or from the author. Or it could be achieved by adding more item types. I am not sure what would be better, so, please, comment on this.

nschneid commented 12 years ago

Ideally (in my view) it would be possible to group multiple citeable documents within each item, and each would be associated with a type. So a "conference" item might be cited in several ways through child documents (or placeholders, if the actual documents are unavailable) for the abstract, the paper, the slides or poster, the oral presentation, etc. (Or maybe it would be simpler to call these "subitems", under which the documents themselves can be inserted.)

The ability to cite child elements could also facilitate other functionality, like the ability to retrieve sourced passages/quotations from the item as a whole. http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/15235/citavi-like-behaviour

[added:] A related use case would be for edited collections. For instance, creating items for several chapters of the same book can require a great deal of repetitive effort. If those chapters could be included as child items, the work as a whole or its individual chapters could be cited while maintaining an intuitive grouping in the library. However, unlike the above use cases, where the child element simply adds/refines a small number of metadata fields relative to its parent, this one would involve having child elements whose item type is fundamentally different from its parent's—e.g. book vs. book chapter.

bwiernik commented 5 years ago

Any of the three examples that are not published in a proceedings should be cited as a Zotero Presentation/CSL speech.