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Live Performance #55

Open adam3smith opened 11 years ago

adam3smith commented 11 years ago


Examples: MLA: Title. By Name of Author/Composer. Dir. Name of Director. Perf. Names of Performers. Theatre, City. Date. Performance.

Hamlet. By William Shakespeare. Dir. John Gielgud. Perf. Richard Burton. Shubert Theatre, Boston. 4 Mar. 1964. Performance.

Monash Harvard: Bell, J (dir.) 2011, Much ado about nothing, by W Shakespeare, theatre performance, 8 April- 14 May 2011, Bell Shakespeare Company, Drama Theatre, Sydney Opera House, viewed 10 April 2011.


  1. Jan Kurro, "Songs of Sondheim" (vocal performance, Her Majesty’s Theatre, Ballarat, May 6, 2008).

It might be possible to get close to this using Presentation/Event and expanding creator roles, but for MLA that might not do.

bwiernik commented 5 years ago

It looks like this could be handled in MLA fine with speech and expanded creator roles for writer, performer.

dstillman commented 5 months ago

Re: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/451454/#Comment_451454, happy to add this anytime (as we did Preprint and Standard) if we know the fields we want.

aarblaster commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @dstillman. This is definitely a challenge. Presentation/event is probably the closest currently and what I've been modifying. I'm researching theatre lighting design and we use Harvard (York). In text plays (live performance) are rendered as:

(Lynn & Jay, 2012)

In reference lists:

Lynn, J. & Jay, A. (2012, April 16). Yes, Prime Minister [Play]. Theatre Royal, York. Performers: Graham Seed and Michael Simkins. Director: Jonathan Lynn.

My understanding is the fields are as follows: Author. (date). Title [performance-type], City. Performers/Creative Team.

The order and addition of the creative team does change depending on the specialisation. As does the names of the performers. The director is always included. The following fields are useful and would work for MLA and Monash Harvard as identified by @adam3smith:

These fields could then be used for other live performance types as needed (see the musical performance (live) reference for Harvard (York) as well).

bwiernik commented 2 weeks ago

What roles do Lynn and Jay play in that production? Lynn appears to be the director--is Jay the playwright?

adam3smith commented 2 weeks ago

In terms of mapping from Zotero to CSL, itemType: performance performanceType: genre data: event-date author, director, performer, composer, accessed, URL, DOI all as named

I'm a bit skeptical about the extent to which set, lightning, and sound design should be part of the Zotero data model -- we just can't reasonably include the whole cast (e.g., for a musical, music director & choreographer would likely be more important than the designers etc.).

The one tricky question I see is venue & city. In CSL we only have event-place. I see why one would want to store (and potentially cite) these separately, but we don't have anything good in the data model and I'm wary of adding for just that purpose, so I think we'll either want to combine these into a single Zotero field or store separate fields and output those comma-delimited to event-place -- where users didn't like that, they could just omit one of the two.

@bwiernik Lynn & Jay wrote Yes, Prime Minister, i.e. both are authors.

bwiernik commented 2 weeks ago

I agree with the comma-delimited output of venue and city together to event-place

Another option would be to map venue to event-title, but that's not a great conceptual fit and I would prefer to reserve event-title for something like a festival where a performance occurred.