zotero / zotero-bits

CSL-related community feedback for Zotero
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Summary for Zotero devs #73

Open rmzelle opened 7 years ago

rmzelle commented 7 years ago

I'd like to start organizing the issues in repository a bit better so that we can more easily share them with the Zotero developers. Dan mentioned he's planning to mostly rely on our input regarding changes to the Zotero item type and field model.

So, below I plan to summarize the current issues, with special attention to those of high importance and/or a high level of consensus. I aim to highlight any areas where further discussion may be required. As a general resource, the current Zotero item model can be browsed at http://aurimasv.github.io/z2csl/typeMap.xml. It will be a work-in-progress, and feel free to chip in. Discussions specific to any given issue should take place in the issue itself.

There are usually up to three levels to each item field: the Zotero UI label, the Zotero internal field name, and, if the metadata is mapped to CSL, the corresponding CSL variable name. We will refer to these as the "label", "field", and "variable", respectively. For item types, we similarly will use "label", "Zotero item type", and "CSL item type", respectively.

Issues that need CSL changes:

Issues that need more work on the exact requirements:

bwiernik commented 7 years ago

This thread is going to get very messy very quickly, I think. I think a set of Zotero guidance pages on a wiki in csl-evolution

rmzelle commented 7 years ago

Well, I've just been amending the first post. The main goal was to help myself keep track which existing issues can be implemented right away in Zotero and which ones need follow-up discussion, and to prepare a to-do list for Dan. We probably shouldn't have discussions here about the content of any of the issues, except if people disagree with their classification in the list above, but that can also take place in the issues themselves.

bwiernik commented 5 years ago

I'd suggest that https://github.com/citation-style-language/zotero-bits/issues/83, remap Zotero item type "podcast" to CSL "broadcast" instead of CSL "song" would be a good fit for Zotero 5.1

dstillman commented 4 years ago

OK, we're just about ready to start doing this. @rmzelle, could you transfer this repo to me so that I can transfer it to the Zotero account, so that we can close issues as they're added?

rmzelle commented 4 years ago

@dstillman, to you personally?

Wouldn't it be easier to leave the repo in-place and just give you admin access to this repo? There are a number of issues that require changes on the CSL side.

dstillman commented 4 years ago

To me personally so that I can then transfer it to the Zotero GitHub organization. Since you're not a member of the Zotero organization, you can't transfer it directly.

We want to be able to solicit schema changes (which will mostly just be JSON changes) and close issues in this repo via Zotero commits. It's not totally clear how the mechanics of that work if only I have push access to this repo, so it seemed easier to just have this in the Zotero account.

rmzelle commented 4 years ago

The GitHub documentation seems to have changed a bit recently, but


says "For example, including Closes example_user/example_repo#76 will close the referenced issue in that repository, provided you have push access to that repository."

So that suggests you should be able to auto-close tickets via commits if I give you push access to this repo. If that's your main concern, let's just give it a try, and I can help you transfer the repo if it doesn't work.

rmzelle commented 4 years ago

@dstillman, just gave you write access.

bwiernik commented 3 years ago

@bdarcus @rmzelle We've addressed everything CSL-related in this repository or moved them to another repo, so I think this one could be moved to the Zotero org at this point.