zotero / zotero-bits

CSL-related community feedback for Zotero
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itemType for figures? #79

Open mvolz opened 6 years ago

mvolz commented 6 years ago

Crossref has an item-type called "component" which seems to mostly be for figures. I thought about type casting it as "artwork" but there's no "publicationTitle" field for "artwork" so I ended up doing "webpage".

http://api.crossref.org/types/component/works retrieves a list of 'component' items so you can see what they look like

bwiernik commented 5 years ago

CSL already has an item type figure. I think it would be good for Zotero to create an Image item type or similar, likely mapped to CSL figure, for storing non-artistic images (and related items).

denismaier commented 4 years ago

Can we close this, or remove it from this board? The feature seems to be there already in CSL as @bwiernik points out. So this should probably be discussed somewhere else.

bdarcus commented 4 years ago

So it's "rejected"?

adam3smith commented 4 years ago

We need to think a bit about how to handle Zotero-relevant tickets. Remember that this issue tracker originally was both for Zotero and CSL (hence the name) and some Zotero-relevant tickets are still on it. As per bwiernik's comment, on the CSL end, this is rejected, yes; on the Zotero end this is still relevant.

denismaier commented 4 years ago

So, let's just take this from this discussion board, or move it to rejected. And perhaps we can add an appropriate label?

(That way, the issue will still be open in the zotero-bits issue tracker.)

bwiernik commented 4 years ago

I think migrating issues out of this repo and into csl-evolution if they are deemed relevant to CSL might be good. Leaving just zotero issues here.

bdarcus commented 4 years ago

Yeah, some of these tickets are more about Zotero, and some are about both.

Maybe it's be better to have CSL-only tickets that link to the zotero-bits where relevant, and exclude all of the latter from this project board?