zotero / zotero-bits

CSL-related community feedback for Zotero
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Map date field as year #86

Closed darkdragon-001 closed 5 years ago

darkdragon-001 commented 5 years ago

Please make the published year available via BibTeX. Currently it is stored in the field date from which it can be extracted. Item types are written sources like Conference Paper and Book.

I am using the exported bibliography in Overleaf (which is using Web Exporter API).

karnesky commented 5 years ago

Isn't this functionality available already in both CSL and in Zotero? In the former, see, e.g. BibTeX.csl: `


darkdragon-001 commented 5 years ago

@karnesky I am new to Zotero internals. Fact is, that I add items in Zotero, fill in the Date field and in my Overleaf BibTeX file, only a field date appears, but no field year.

I asked Overleaf support and got the following answer:

Overleaf's Zotero importer uses Zotero's Web Exporter API, which does not quite behave the same as the Zotero Desktop exporter, although both are developed and maintained by Zotero. Unfortunately at present, we aren't able to set any options or change the output generated by the Zotero Web Exporter API; i.e. the Zotero importer just takes the output as-is, and adds it to an Overleaf project.

How should I continue my investigation to fix the issue?

karnesky commented 5 years ago

This sounds like an Overleaf issue, but I'm not familiar with their tool.

The web-based Zotero API will export a 'year' when format=bibtex and will export a 'date' when format=biblatex.

This seems to be correct behavior for those two export formats.

adam3smith commented 5 years ago

Yes, what @karnesky says. Overleaf used to allow you to choose between biber/biblatex and bibtex when auto-importing from Zotero, so make sure you have the latter selected, but Zotero is doing everything correctly here. Closing.