zotero / zotero-connectors

Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari extensions for Zotero
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vpat 38: citation successfully saved confirmation? #469

Open abaevbog opened 2 months ago

abaevbog commented 2 months ago

VPAT 38:

Description: When using the browser extension to save citations, there is no alert or non-visual indication that the citation has been successfully saved. This lack of confirmation can lead users to unintentionally duplicate citations, as they are unaware that the first attempt to save was successful.

Impact Statement: Users relying on assistive technologies may become confused when citations are duplicated due to the absence of a notification confirming that a citation was successfully saved. An alert that can be read as text and dismissed through user interaction would help alleviate this issue.

Expected Result: An alert appears visually and phonetically, informing the user that a citation was saved to the library successfully.

Actual Result: Without confirmation, the user will likely attempt to save the citation again, resulting in duplicate entries with each additional save attempt.

I'm not sure what we could do about this. When the connector appears, I believe the item is essentially already saved, so the "Saving to ..." part is in itself a confirmation. In addition, unless I reload the page, opening the connector multiple times (and even hitting "Done" button repeatedly) does not lead to duplicate entries. I am not sure I see how adding a success message would makes sense here. @adomasven, correct me if I'm wrong on this and there is an appropriate way to fit some kind of confirmation here.

dstillman commented 2 months ago

Yes, this just seems like a misunderstanding. There's a success popup (which also allows changing the collection, but that's secondary), and it won't save again without a page reload.

The one thing I would want to check is whether we're assign a proper role (ARIA alert role?) to the save popup, so that it gets announced by screen readers.

abaevbog commented 2 months ago

The one thing I would want to check is whether we're assign a proper role (ARIA alert role?) to the save popup, so that it gets announced by screen readers.

That is a good point. My understanding is that alert should be used sparingly and is mainly meant for warnings and time-sensitive notifications. Since this is more of a popup, and focus also should move inside of it when it is opened, I think a role="dialog" with aria-label="Save to zotero" can give the desired effect of announcing the dialog when the focus moves in or out of it?

Edit: If the focus goes into the popup, with that PR, it does get announced as "Save to Zotero dialog" followed by "Saving to {collection}". After some testing, I realized it is indeed a bit confusing and doesn't make it clear that the item has actually been saved. Also sometimes the focus may not get transferred into the dropdown depending on which screen reader/browser is used. So I added an invisible div with alert role that's populated with a message "Item saved to {collection}" - it fires way more reliably from my testing and should hopefully make it clearer that the item is already saved.

The role="dialog" bit that I added at first is not strictly needed for the announcement, and I could just keep the second commit from the PR with the alert. But at the same time, I feel like it doesn't hurt and because it adds a bit of extra context when the focus lands in it.