zotero / zotero-google-docs-integration

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Initial commit for orphaned citation UI #42

Closed adomasven closed 4 years ago

adomasven commented 4 years ago

Screenshots: image

image image

Upon interacting with Zotero, if broken citations exist in the document, the unlinked Z icon appears next to the comment bubble thing in the top right, and the popup opens. This happens regardless of whether the user has been warned of the orphaned citations in previous sessions or if this is the first time those citations are detected. The UI will appear as long as there are undealt-with orphaned citations.

Orphaned are coloured red in the document upon Zotero operations where broken links are detected. Clicking on the links in the orphaned citation popup highlights the corresponding orphaned citation. Attempting to edit the orphaned citation presents a popup saying it is unlinked with a button for more info.

More info page, as well as the "unlinked from Zotero" text leads to https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/google_docs_citations_unlinked

Copy could heavily use improvement, but my brain is dead. The icon is taken from LibreOffice unlinking action and while it looks relatively not out-of-place in the UI, the Z styling is different from our regular Z used through this UI. The popup styling is the same as the one that you get for the Google Docs comment popup.

CC @dstillman @stakats

adomasven commented 4 years ago

Apps script should be (and can be safely) deployed before the Connector code.

adomasven commented 4 years ago

(For the record, the current behavior simply unlinks all broken citations without any warnings. Unlinking should be rare/not happen when using the Connector, but will happen if contributors don't use Connector).

Closes #36

adomasven commented 4 years ago

All comments addressed and awaiting merge.