zotero / zotero-google-docs-integration

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Bibliography output breaks if citation URL fields contain a quatation mark (") #51

Open adomasven opened 3 years ago

adomasven commented 3 years ago

See https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/376168/#Comment_376168

This is upstream, but I'm not sure where/how we're going to fix it and it only came up once in three years, so arguably not a huge rush.

adomasven commented 2 years ago

Another report https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/92212/zotero-googledocs

We might just fix this by switching to citeproc-rs. Citeproc-rs currently also produces wrong output but that'll likely be promptly addressed

kjtlslt commented 2 years ago

This is actually a serious problem ... in Norway. All universities use Primo (Oria), with the national library as one of its many sources. The national library's digitisation efforts have populated most Norwegian book entries with links containing quotation marks. Both the error messages linked to above contain links from the Norwegian national library (www.nb.no).

Now, these links shouldn't actually exist in the references, but it's hard to see what's wrong in XML.

Having looked a bit more into it, our problem might be with the Primo translator.

adomasven commented 3 months ago

More reports: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/112143/google-docs-html-in-bibliography https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/114735/bibliography-error-google-docs