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[Survey] Google Cloud Platform - Google Cloud SQL #400

Open zouber opened 10 years ago

zouber commented 10 years ago

Getting start: https://developers.google.com/cloud-sql/docs/getting-started

Tutorial Vedio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kQXgjIfLgo

Note: 了解 Google Cloud Platform 提供的各式服務

zouber commented 10 years ago

Google Cloud Platform 主要分三塊:

  1. Compute(運算面向): Compute Engine(like Amazon EC2), App Engine
  2. Storage(儲存面向): Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, Cloud Datastore
  3. Analysis(巨量資料分析): Big Query
zouber commented 10 years ago

How to connecting to Cloud SQL by SQL Client https://developers.google.com/cloud-sql/docs/mysql-client?hl=zh-TW

zouber commented 10 years ago

MySQL 入門 http://www.codedata.com.tw/database/mysql-tutorial-database-abc-mysql-installation/

zouber commented 10 years ago

BigQuery Quick Start https://developers.google.com/bigquery/browser-tool-quickstart?_ga=1.267852238.1750626625.1403185568