zouhir / jarvis

A very intelligent browser based Webpack dashboard
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`lib` directory is in the .gitignore #123

Closed stephencookdev closed 6 years ago

stephencookdev commented 6 years ago

Currently the lib directory is marked in the .gitignore folder

It looks like because the lib directory is being used as the dist folder by the webpack config in Jarvis atm

Unfortunately IDEs like Atom try to be clever, and don't bother showing you files/folders that are in the .gitignore - meaning that any Atom users (not sure how many other IDEs do this, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a few though, tbh) won't see the lib directory without having to manually edit out the lib entry from the .gitignore

This confused me for like 5 minutes when I first cloned Jarvis to contribute :sweat_smile:

stephencookdev commented 6 years ago

Raised https://github.com/zouhir/jarvis/pull/124 as a possible fix for this - but unsure of the original reason for this decision? Hopefully I'm not missing something that this would break

lukeed commented 6 years ago

You don't typically add built files into version control. It makes things really noisy, especially in regards to PR reviews.

You can easily configure your Atom to change that behavior -- all IDEs allow it: https://discuss.atom.io/t/gitignored-files-are-hidden-from-tree-view-regardless-of-setting/8724

stephencookdev commented 6 years ago

Yes, but as I mention - the lib folder seems to be containing both src and build files

I'm not suggesting to start version controlling the build files, of course :joy:

Instead, I'm suggesting to split the lib folder into lib and dist, lib being pure src, and dist being pure built files

If that makes sense?

stephencookdev commented 6 years ago

Resolved with https://github.com/zouhir/jarvis/pull/124