zowe / zowe-common-c

C Libraries for various OS & Networking needs
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`zos.getStatvfs` to obtain file system information #482

Closed Martin-Zeithaml closed 1 month ago

Martin-Zeithaml commented 1 month ago

Proposed changes

This PR addresses Issue: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-install-packaging/issues/807

A C function statsvfs wrapped in javascript. This function could be utilized to get status if the filesystem is mounted with NOSUID option.

import * as zos from 'zos';
const result = zos.getStatvfs('/');

Type of change

Please delete options that are not relevant.

PR Checklist

Please delete options that are not relevant.


import * as zos from 'zos';
import * as shell from '/zowe/bin/libs/shell';
const ST_NOSUID = 0x00000002;

function mountTestUnmount(fs, mp, security) {
    console.log(`FS=${fs} with ${security == '' ? 'no -s flag' : security}`);
    let result = shell.execSync('sh', '-c', `mount -t ZFS -f ${fs} ${security} -o aggrgrow ${mp}`);
    result = zos.getStatvfs(`${mp}`);
    if (result[1] == 0) {
        if ((result[0].flag & ST_NOSUID) != 0) {
            console.log('  NOSUID set!');
    result = shell.execSync('sh', '-c', `unmount ${mp}`);

const PATHS = [
    './', '/', '/bin/',
    '', '/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
    null, true, false, undefined, 0, -1, 800

for (let p = 0; p < PATHS.length; p++) {
    const result = zos.getStatvfs(PATHS[p]);
    console.log(`RC=${result[1]} for "${PATHS[p]}"`);
    if (result[0]) {

console.log('\n*** NOSUID test ***\n')

mountTestUnmount('ZOWE.ZFS', '/zowe', '');
mountTestUnmount('ZOWE.ZFS', '/zowe', '-s nosetuid');
mountTestUnmount('ZOWE.ZFS', '/zowe', '-s nosecurity');
RC=0 for "./"
RC=0 for "/"
RC=0 for "/bin/"
RC=129 for ""
RC=129 for "/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
RC=129 for "null"
RC=129 for "true"
RC=129 for "false"
RC=129 for "undefined"
RC=129 for "0"
RC=129 for "-1"
RC=129 for "800"

*** NOSUID test ***

FS=ZOWE.ZFS with no -s flag
FS=ZOWE.ZFS with -s nosetuid
  NOSUID set!
FS=ZOWE.ZFS with -s nosecurity
  NOSUID set!

Same stat, different method

/* REXX */                                   
if syscalls('ON') = 0 then do                
  address syscall "statvfs '/' s."           
  say 'STFS_AVAIL     =' s.STFS_AVAIL        
  say 'STFS_BFREE     =' s.STFS_BFREE        
  say 'STFS_FAVAIL    =' s.STFS_FAVAIL       
  say 'STFS_FFREE     =' s.STFS_FFREE        
  say 'STFS_FILES     =' s.STFS_FILES        
  say 'STFS_FRSIZE    =' s.STFS_FRSIZE       
  say 'STFS_FSID      =' s.STFS_FSID         
  say 'STFS_INUSE     =' s.STFS_INUSE        
  say 'STFS_NAMEMAX   =' s.STFS_NAMEMAX      
  say 'STFS_NOSEC     =' s.STFS_NOSEC        
  say 'STFS_NOSUID    =' s.STFS_NOSUID       
  say 'STFS_RDONLY    =' s.STFS_RDONLY       
  say 'STFS_TOTAL     =' s.STFS_TOTAL        

Comparing of rexx and js output

STFS_AVAIL     = 3275           "bavail":3275
STFS_BFREE     = 3275           "bfree":3275
STFS_BLOCKSIZE = 1024           "bsize":1024,
STFS_FAVAIL    = 4294967244 "favail":4294967244  
STFS_FFREE     = 4294967244 "ffree":4294967244  
STFS_FILES     = 4294967295 "files":4294967295
STFS_FRSIZE    = 1024           "frsize":1024
STFS_FSID      = 1              "fsid":1
STFS_INUSE     = 325            "OEusedspace":325
STFS_INVARSEC  = 0              "OEinvarsec":0
STFS_NAMEMAX   = 255            "namemax":255
STFS_NOSEC     = 0              "flag":1 => Read-only file system 
STFS_NOSUID    = 0              "flag":1 => Read-only file system
STFS_RDONLY    = 1              "flag":1 => Read-only file system 
STFS_TOTAL     = 3600           "blocks":3600