zowe / zowe-explorer-vscode

Visual Studio Code Extension for Zowe, which lets users interact with z/OS Data Sets, Unix System Services, and Jobs on a remote mainframe instance. Powered by Zowe SDKs.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Create new filter and search datasets without an extra prompt #3015

Open VitGottwald opened 1 month ago

VitGottwald commented 1 month ago

When creating a new search filter, I paste the filter text into the quick pick and select + Create a new filter .... Then I am presented with one more prompt that is redundant, because I have already pasted the filter text and now I have to confirm it once more by pressing enter.


Accepting the user input on the first prompt when + Create a new filter option is selected from the quick pick would make the user experience more pleasant.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thank you for raising this enhancement request. The community has 90 days to vote on it. If the enhancement receives at least 10 upvotes, it is added to our development backlog. If it receives fewer votes, the issue is closed.