zowe / zowe-install-packaging

Packaging repository for the Zowe install scripts and files
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Runtime option fix and minor changes #3831

Closed Martin-Zeithaml closed 1 month ago

Martin-Zeithaml commented 1 month ago

1) The output of CEE_OPTIONS=tsocmd "OMVS RUNOPTS('RPTOPTS(ON)')" was not saved to due to error. The content of version_output was (missing the important part):

z/OS version: RELEASE z/OS 03.01.00 LICENSE = z/OS
Java version: java version "1.8.0_123"
NodeJS version: v18.24.0
External Security Manager: TSS
CEE Runtime Options: FSUM2051I The OMVS command failed because the display screen size is not supported.+
FSUM2052I The screen size must be at least 12 by 40 but less than 10000 bytes total.  The actual primary screen size is 255 by 255 (
65025 bytes).  The alternate screen size is 255 by 255 (65025 bytes).

2) version_output renamed to environment_output 3) Small change in help 4) If no SDSF, get the z/OS version from &SYSOSLVL 5) print_message_file to simplify the code

With fix, the output is like (some values might be altered):

[Environment information]
z/OS version: RELEASE z/OS 03.03.00 LICENSE = z/OS
Java version: java version "1.9.0_123"
NodeJS version: v22.00.01
External Security Manager: 007
FSUM2051I The OMVS command failed because the display screen size is not supported.+
FSUM2052I The screen size must be at least 12 by 40 but less than 10000 bytes total.  The actual primary screen size is 255 by 255 (
65025 bytes).  The alternate screen size is 255 by 255 (65025 bytes).
LAST WHERE SET                 OPTION
Programmer default             PIZZA,HAMBURGER,BEER
Default setting                BE_NICE_TO_EACH_OTHER
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

build 5256 SUCCEEDED. Link to workflow run: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-install-packaging/actions/runs/9115449341

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Test workflow 4531 is started. Running install test: Convenience Pax The zowe artifact being used by this test workflow: libs-snapshot-local/org/zowe/2.16.0-PR-3831/zowe-2.16.0-pr-3831-5256-20240516160515.pax Running on machine: zzow08 Result: SUCCESS Link to workflow run: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-install-packaging/actions/runs/9115572430