zowe / zowe-install-packaging

Packaging repository for the Zowe install scripts and files
Eclipse Public License 2.0
26 stars 52 forks source link

Update apiVersion to batch/v1 #3852

Closed ManjuVNair133 closed 3 weeks ago

ManjuVNair133 commented 3 weeks ago

Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements. This is simply a reminder of what we are going to look for before merging your PR. If you don't know all of this information when you create this PR, don't worry. You can edit this template as you're working on it.

PR type

What type of changes does your PR introduce to Zowe? Put an x in the box that applies to this PR. If you're unsure about any of them, don't hesitate to ask.

Relevant issues


Changes proposed in this PR

Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

Does this PR do something the person installing Zowe should know about?

multi-line description

Is there a related doc issue or Pull Request?

Doc issue/PR number:

Other information

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

PAX build 5386 SUCCEEDED. Link to workflow run: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-install-packaging/actions/runs/9403547091

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Test workflow 4696 is started. Running install test: Convenience Pax The zowe artifact being used by this test workflow: libs-snapshot-local/org/zowe/1.28.7-PR-3852/zowe-1.28.7-pr-3852-5386-20240606152759.pax Running on machine: zzow06 Result: SUCCESS Link to workflow run: https://github.com/zowe/zowe-install-packaging/actions/runs/9403670511