zowe / zowe-install-packaging

Packaging repository for the Zowe install scripts and files
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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JCL templating via yaml and embedded JS #3858

Open Martin-Zeithaml opened 2 weeks ago

Martin-Zeithaml commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the solution you'd like Use the configmgr features to define JCL templates in yaml file using the embedded JS. Define template to be ready in two forms:

Describe alternatives you've considered None.

Additional context

zwe install will process the templates to be ready with placeholders:

//STEPLIB  DD  DSNAME={zowe.setup.dataset.authLoadlib},

zwe init will process the templates with real values:

1000TurquoisePogs commented 2 weeks ago

its important for there to be jcl samples in the samplib so that 1) there are samples which we can use as a form of documentation, such as in the quick start guide 2) users can prepare zowe entirely through 3270 3) users can choose to totally ignore our automation and edit them directly

user feedback has also been that they do not like conditional behavior in automation, they want to know what it is doing.

so, the power of using configmgr binary and putting logic into yaml is nice but given the limitations i don't see how much extra features we can leverage beyond the limitations of ZWEGENER while keeping that sample-based design