Open jthyssenrocket opened 3 months ago
in authServiceFunction, parm = 0x226E6980
handleGenerateToken(): username = <userid>, password = ******
safVerify(VERIFY_CREATE) safStatus = 0, RACF RC = 0, RSN = 0, ACEE=0x7FF714D8
IDTA token: gen_rc = 0, prop_out = 0, prop_in = 8000 token length = 0
safVerify(VERIFY_DELETE) safStatus = 0, RACF RC = 0, RSN = 0, ACEE=0x7FF714D8
handleGenerateToken() done rc = 0
Is this a regression? Was this working correctly and consistently in an earlier release? Does this happen randomly with the same input? If we can reproduce with any decent probability that would be good.
I only became interested in JWTs a month or two ago, so I haven't tried the API In the past.
A good start might be to print IDTA_SAF_IDT_Return and IDTA_IDT_Gen_RC as indicated here
I am using zssServer POST /saf/authenticate to generate RACF Identity Tokens (IDTs). Zowe 2.17, z/OS 3.1
Input JSON is:
Sometimes the API returns the JWT:
but very often it returns a blank JWT:
I do not see any messages in the Zowe address space ZWESLSTC nor on the SYSLOG