zpanel / zpanelx

ZPanel is a web hosting control panel written in PHP for Windows and *NIX host OS's.
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Windows Apache not restarting - (daemon error) #203

Open TGates71 opened 10 years ago

TGates71 commented 10 years ago

Getting this error when running full daemon run with apache restart: Finished writting Apache Config... Now reloading Apache...

Warning: Missing argument 2 for ctrl_system::systemCommand(), called in C:\zpane l\panel\modules\apache_admin\hooks\OnDaemonRun.hook.php on line 447 and defined in C:\zpanel\panel\dryden\ctrl\system.class.php on line 22 Usage: c:/zpanel/bin/apache/bin/httpd.exe [-D name] [-d directory] [-f file] [-C "directive"] [-c "directive"] [-w] [-k start|restart|stop|shutdown] [-n service_name] [-k install|config|uninstall] [-n serv ice_name] [-v] [-V] [-h] [-l] [-L] [-t] [-T] [-S ] [-X] Options: [...] Apache reloadfailed. END Apache Config Hook.

I have tried many other options and none have worked.

allebb commented 10 years ago

Have you recently installed any new modules that may be using a hook that is causing the issue Tom?

The second argument that the error is referring too is wanting an array, so if you have recently added a module then that module in theory is missing the second argument when calling ctrl_system::systemCommand(), of which at a minimum should pass through an empty array.

Hope this helps :) - I'd recommend you un-install any recently added module to identify which module is causing the error.

On 28 April 2014 16:36, TGates notifications@github.com wrote:

Getting this error when running full daemon run with apache restart: Finished writting Apache Config... Now reloading Apache...

Warning: Missing argument 2 for ctrl_system::systemCommand(), called in C:\zpane l\panel\modules\apache_admin\hooks\OnDaemonRun.hook.php on line 447 and defined in C:\zpanel\panel\dryden\ctrl\system.class.php on line 22 Usage: c:/zpanel/bin/apache/bin/httpd.exe [-D name] [-d directory] [-f file] [-C "directive"] [-c "directive"] [-w] [-k start|restart|stop|shutdown] [-n service_name] [-k install|config|uninstall] [-n serv ice_name] [-v] [-V] [-h] [-l] [-L] [-t] [-T] [-S ] [-X] Options: [...] Apache reloadfailed. END Apache Config Hook.

I have tried many other options and none have worked.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/zpanel/zpanelx/issues/203 .

TGates71 commented 10 years ago

Wasn't sure a module could affect the daemon run in that manner as it is calling modules\apache_admin\hooks\OnDaemonRun.hook.php which is a core module... and not a 3rd-party module. interesting...will run through them and check it out! thanks Man!

TGates71 commented 10 years ago

well, I removed any recently added modules that use apache restart and same error. is this the correct restart params for windows: -k restart -n "Apache"

allebb commented 10 years ago

Yes this is correct, those are the correct parameters :) - I'd be interested in knowing since when this has been broken tough as in theory this must have been broken since the last major release (which was now a couple of months back :S)

On 29 April 2014 05:23, TGates notifications@github.com wrote:

well, I removed any recently added modules that use apache restart and same error. is this the correct restart params for windows: -k restart -n "Apache" service: httpd

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/zpanel/zpanelx/issues/203#issuecomment-41640575 .

TGates71 commented 10 years ago

Windows apache daemon run restart has been nerfed for a looong time... was posted back in old tracker and I have been trying to sort it with the community's help. Most notably when a domain or subdomain is added.

isanda1946 commented 10 years ago

Line 444 in OnDaemonRunHook.php in apache_admin/hooks calls ctrl_system::systemCommand to restart apache.

The function definition requires that parameter 2 be an array but line 444 sends a single string.

Line 444 needs to be altered to wrap parameter 2 into an array:

ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'httpd_exe' ), array(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_restart' ))

This isn't the case in linux - why are the code bases different?

TGates71 commented 10 years ago

FYI: apparently this seems to work in 10.0.1 but not 10.1.1

isanda1946 commented 10 years ago

That's surprising - I have only ever used 10.1.1 on Windows as my primary system is Centos6

TGates71 commented 10 years ago

@bobsta63 : I used the windows restart code from 10.0.0 in place of the code in 10.1.1 and it seems to work just fine: (modules/apache_admin/hooks/OnDaemonRun.hook.php about line: 443) [php] echo "Finished writting Apache Config... Now reloading Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // original 10.1.1 code // if ( sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows" ) { // $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand( // ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'httpd_exe' ), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_restart' ) // ); // echo "Apache reload" . ((0 === $returnValue ) ? "suceeded" : "failed") . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // } // end 10.1.1 code // original 10.0.0 code if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") { system("" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('httpd_exe') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_restart') . ""); } //end 10.0.0 code else { [/php]

jacobgelling commented 10 years ago

@TGates71 https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown#syntax-highlighting :wink:

echo "Finished writting Apache Config... Now reloading Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
// original 10.1.1 code
// if ( sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows" ) {
// $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand(
// ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'httpd_exe' ), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_restart' )
// );
// echo "Apache reload" . ((0 === $returnValue ) ? "suceeded" : "failed") . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
// }
// end 10.1.1 code
// original 10.0.0 code
if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") {
system("" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('httpd_exe') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_restart') . "");
//end 10.0.0 code
else {
isanda1946 commented 10 years ago

Finally got the change to get back to this and dig deeper.

I set up clean VMs containing WindowsServer 2012 and Windows 7. In both cases, I installed fresh copies of 10.1.1 as per the downloads page instructions and attempted to add and activate a new domain.

In both cases, activation initially failed and I found

[29-Jun-2014 09:04:32 GMT] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to ctrl_system::systemCommand() must be an array, string given, called in C:\zpanel\panel\modules\apache_admin\hooks\OnDaemonRun.hook.php on line 445 and defined in C:\zpanel\panel\dryden\ctrl\system.class.php on line 22

in the php log.

That confirmed my earlier report on 10 May. After applying that fix - change line 445 of C:\zpanel\panel\modules\apache_admin\hooks\OnDaemonRun.hook.php to read:

ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'httpd_exe' ), array(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_restart' ))

that message was replaced by

[29-Jun-2014 10:00:52 GMT] PHP Warning: array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\zpanel\panel\modules\apache_admin\hooks\OnDaemonRun.hook.php on line 75 [29-Jun-2014 10:00:52 GMT] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\zpanel\panel\modules\apache_admin\hooks\OnDaemonRun.hook.php on line 94

A minor problem fixed by amending line 75 to read:

$customPorts = array( );

However, Apache was still not restarting and activating the amended vhosts config.

Inserting diagnostic code in C:\zpanel\panel\dryden\ctrl\system.class.php showed that command being sent to the system call had been constructed as:

c:/zpanel/bin/apache/bin/httpd.exe "-k restart -n Apache "

Running that configuration through the PowerShell showed that Apache could not handle the misformed parameter and either ignored the command or crashed requiring a manual restart.

Checking the PHP online documentation confirmed that the use of escapeshellarg() in dryden\ctrl\system.class.php was causing the problem. It is documented as enclosing the argument in single quotes but a comment from egorinsk notes that on Windows the argument is enclosed in double quotes. It also appears that escapeshellarg() also removes pre-existing quotes.


$escapedCommand = str_replace('"','',$escapedCommand);

immediately before the system() call provided a quick & dirty fix.

These amendments solved this problem for me on both Win7 and WindowsServer2012.

Your mileage may vary.

TGates71 commented 10 years ago

please post the code for your entire file so I can give it a test also so we can push a fix for this ASAP.

isanda1946 commented 10 years ago





isanda1946 commented 10 years ago


<?php echo fs_filehandler::NewLine() . "START Apache Config Hook." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ( ui_module::CheckModuleEnabled( 'Apache Config' ) ) { echo "Apache Admin module ENABLED..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); TriggerApacheQuotaUsage(); if ( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_changed' ) == strtolower( "true" ) ) { echo "Apache Config has changed..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_backup' ) == strtolower( "true" ) ) { echo "Backing up Apache Config to: " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); BackupVhostConfigFile(); } echo "Begin writing Apache Config to: " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_vhost' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); WriteVhostConfigFile(); } else { echo "Apache Config has NOT changed...nothing to do." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } else { echo "Apache Admin module DISABLED...nothing to do." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } echo "END Apache Config Hook." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();


function WriteVhostConfigFile() { global $zdbh;

//Get email for server admin of zpanel
$getserveremail = $zdbh->query( "SELECT ac_email_vc FROM x_accounts where ac_id_pk=1" )->fetch();
if ( $getserveremail[ 'ac_email_vc' ] != "" ) {
    $serveremail = $getserveremail[ 'ac_email_vc' ];
else {
    $serveremail = "postmaster@" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'zpanel_domain' );

$customPorts = array( );
$portQuery  = $zdbh->prepare( "SELECT vh_custom_port_in, vh_deleted_ts FROM zpanel_core.x_vhosts WHERE vh_custom_port_in IS NOT NULL AND vh_deleted_ts IS NULL" );
while ( $rowport    = $portQuery->fetch() ) {
    $customPorts[ ] = $rowport[ 'vh_custom_port_in' ];
$customPortList = array_unique($customPorts);

 * ##############################################################################################################
 * #
 * # Default Virtual Host Container
 * #
 * ##############################################################################################################

$line = "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "# Apache VHOST configuration file" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "# Automatically generated by ZPanel " . sys_versions::ShowZpanelVersion() . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "# Generated on: " . date( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'zpanel_df' ), time() ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

// ZPanel default virtual host container
$line .= "NameVirtualHost *:" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_port' ) . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
foreach ( $customPortList as $port ) {
    $line .= "NameVirtualHost *:" . $port . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "# Configuration for ZPanel control panel." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "<VirtualHost *:" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_port' ) . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "ServerAdmin " . $serveremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'zpanel_root' ) . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "ServerName " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'zpanel_domain' ) . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "ServerAlias *." . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'zpanel_domain' ) . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "<Directory \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'zpanel_root' ) . "\">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "Options FollowSymLinks" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "  AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "  Order allow,deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "  Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "# Custom settings are loaded below this line (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

// Global custom zpanel entry
$line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'global_zpcustom' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

$line .= "</VirtualHost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

$line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "# ZPanel generated VHOST configurations below....." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
$line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

 * ##############################################################################################################
 * #
 * # All Virtual Host Containers
 * #
 * ##############################################################################################################

// Zpanel virtual host container configuration
$sql      = $zdbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL" );
while ( $rowvhost = $sql->fetch() ) {

    // Grab some variables we will use for later...
    $vhostuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail( $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] );
    $bandwidth = ctrl_users::GetQuotaUsages( 'bandwidth', $vhostuser[ 'userid' ] );
    $diskspace = ctrl_users::GetQuotaUsages( 'diskspace', $vhostuser[ 'userid' ] );
    // Set the vhosts to "LIVE"
    $vsql      = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_vhosts SET vh_active_in=1 WHERE vh_id_pk=:id" );
    $vsql->bindParam( ':id', $rowvhost[ 'vh_id_pk' ] );
    // Add a default email if no email found for client.
    if ( fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue( $vhostuser[ 'email' ] ) ) {
        $useremail = "postmaster@" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ];
    else {
        $useremail = $vhostuser[ 'email' ];
    // Check if domain or subdomain to see if we add an alias with 'www'
    if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_type_in' ] == 2 ) {
        $serveralias = $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ];
    else {
        $serveralias = $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . " www." . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ];

    if ( fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue( $rowvhost[ 'vh_custom_port_in' ] ) ) {
        $vhostPort = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_port' );
    else {
        $vhostPort = $rowvhost[ 'vh_custom_port_in' ];

    if ( fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue( $rowvhost[ 'vh_custom_ip_vc' ] ) ) {
        $vhostIp = "*";
    else {
        $vhostIp = $rowvhost[ 'vh_custom_ip_vc' ];

    //Domain is enabled
    //Line1: Domain enabled - Client also is enabled.
    //Line2: Domain enabled - Client may be disabled, but 'Allow Disabled' = 'true' in apache settings.
    if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_enabled_in' ] == 1 && ctrl_users::CheckUserEnabled( $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] ) ||
        $rowvhost[ 'vh_enabled_in' ] == 1 && ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_allow_disabled' ) == strtolower( "true" ) ) {

         * ##################################################
         * #
         * # Disk Quotas Check
         * #
         * ##################################################

        //Domain is beyond its diskusage
        if ( $vhostuser[ 'diskquota' ] != 0 && $diskspace > $vhostuser[ 'diskquota' ] ) {
            $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR QUOTA OVERAGE" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerAlias " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . " www." . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'static_dir' ) . "diskexceeded\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Options FollowSymLinks Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'php_handler' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'dir_index' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_portforward_in' ] <> 0 ) {
                $line .= BuildVhostPortForward( $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ], $vhostPort, $useremail );
            $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine();
             * ##################################################
             * #
             * # Bandwidth Quotas Check
             * #
             * ##################################################

            //Domain is beyond its quota
        elseif ( $vhostuser[ 'bandwidthquota' ] != 0 && $bandwidth > $vhostuser[ 'bandwidthquota' ] ) {
            $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR BANDWIDTH OVERAGE" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerAlias " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . " www." . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'static_dir' ) . "bandwidthexceeded\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Options FollowSymLinks Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'php_handler' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'dir_index' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_portforward_in' ] <> 0 ) {
                $line .= BuildVhostPortForward( $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ], $vhostPort, $useremail );
            $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine();
             * ##################################################
             * #
             * # Parked Domain
             * #
             * ##################################################

            //Domain is a PARKED domain.
        elseif ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_type_in' ] == 3 ) {
            $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerAlias " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . " www." . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'parking_path' ) . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Options FollowSymLinks Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'php_handler' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'dir_index' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "# Custom Global Settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'global_vhcustom' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "# Custom VH settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= $rowvhost[ 'vh_custom_tx' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_portforward_in' ] <> 0 ) {
                $line .= BuildVhostPortForward( $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ], $vhostPort, $useremail );
            $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine();
             * ##################################################
             * #
             * # Regular or Sub domain
             * #
             * ##################################################

            //Domain is a regular domain or a subdomain.
        else {
            $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

             * todo
            // Bandwidth Settings
            //$line .= "Include C:/ZPanel/bin/apache/conf/mod_bw/mod_bw/mod_bw_Administration.conf" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            // Server name, alias, email settings
            $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerAlias " . $serveralias . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            // Document root
            $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'hosted_dir' ) . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_directory_vc' ] . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            // Get Package openbasedir and suhosin enabled options
            if ( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'use_openbase' ) == "true" ) {
                if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_obasedir_in' ] <> 0 ) {
                    $line .= "php_admin_value open_basedir \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'hosted_dir' ) . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_directory_vc' ] . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'openbase_seperator' ) . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'openbase_temp' ) . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            if ( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'use_suhosin' ) == "true" ) {
                if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_suhosin_in' ] <> 0 ) {
                    $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'suhosin_value' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            // Logs
            if ( !is_dir( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'log_dir' ) . "domains/" . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/" ) ) {
                fs_director::CreateDirectory( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'log_dir' ) . "domains/" . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/" );
            $line .= "ErrorLog \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'log_dir' ) . "domains/" . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . "-error.log\" " . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "CustomLog \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'log_dir' ) . "domains/" . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . "-access.log\" " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'access_log_format' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "CustomLog \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'log_dir' ) . "domains/" . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . "-bandwidth.log\" " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'bandwidth_log_format' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

            // Directory options
            $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Options FollowSymLinks Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

            // Get Package php and cgi enabled options
            $rows        = $zdbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM x_packages WHERE pk_id_pk=:packageid AND pk_deleted_ts IS NULL" );
            $rows->bindParam( ':packageid', $vhostuser[ 'packageid' ] );
            $packageinfo = $rows->fetch();
            if ( $packageinfo[ 'pk_enablephp_in' ] <> 0 ) {
                $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'php_handler' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            if ( $packageinfo[ 'pk_enablecgi_in' ] <> 0 ) {
                $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'cgi_handler' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
                if ( !is_dir( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'hosted_dir' ) . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_directory_vc' ] . "/_cgi-bin" ) ) {
                    fs_director::CreateDirectory( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'hosted_dir' ) . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_directory_vc' ] . "/_cgi-bin" );

            // Error documents:- Error pages are added automatically if they are found in the _errorpages directory
            // and if they are a valid error code, and saved in the proper format, i.e. <error_number>.html
            $errorpages = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'hosted_dir' ) . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_directory_vc' ] . "/_errorpages";
            if ( is_dir( $errorpages ) ) {
                if ( $handle = opendir( $errorpages ) ) {
                    while ( ($file = readdir( $handle )) !== false ) {
                        if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) {
                            $page = explode( ".", $file );
                            if ( !fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue( CheckErrorDocument( $page[ 0 ] ) ) ) {
                                $line .= "ErrorDocument " . $page[ 0 ] . " /_errorpages/" . $page[ 0 ] . ".html" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
                    closedir( $handle );

            // Directory indexes
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'dir_index' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

            // Global custom global vh entry
            $line .= "# Custom Global Settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'global_vhcustom' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

            // Client custom vh entry
            $line .= "# Custom VH settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= $rowvhost[ 'vh_custom_tx' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

            // End Virtual Host Settings
            $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_portforward_in' ] <> 0 ) {
                $line .= BuildVhostPortForward( $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ], $vhostPort, $useremail );
            $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine();

         * ##################################################
         * #
         * # Disabled domain
         * #
         * ##################################################
    else {
        //Domain is NOT enabled
        $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "ServerAlias " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . " www." . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'static_dir' ) . "disabled\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "Options FollowSymLinks Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'dir_index' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost[ 'vh_name_vc' ] . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

 * ##############################################################################################################
 * #
 * # Write vhost file to disk
 * #
 * ##############################################################################################################

// write the vhost config file
$vhconfigfile = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_vhost' );
if ( fs_filehandler::UpdateFile( $vhconfigfile, 0777, $line ) ) {
    // Reset Apache settings to reflect that config file has been written, until the next change.
    $time = time();
    $vsql = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_settings
                                SET so_value_tx=:time
                                WHERE so_name_vc='apache_changed'" );
    $vsql->bindParam( ':time', $time );
    echo "Finished writing Apache Config... Now reloading Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
    if ( sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows" ) {
        $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand(
                ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'httpd_exe' ), array(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_restart' ))
        echo "Apache reload " . ((0 === $returnValue ) ? "suceeded" : "failed") . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
    else {

        $command = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'zsudo' );
        $args = array(
            ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_sn' ),
            ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_restart' )
        $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand( $command, $args );

        echo "Apache reload " . ((0 === $returnValue ) ? "succeeded" : "failed") . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();

else {
    return false;


function CheckErrorDocument( $error ) { $errordocs = array( 100, 101, 102, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510 ); if ( in_array( $error, $errordocs ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } }

function BackupVhostConfigFile() { echo "Apache VHost backups are enabled... Backing up current vhost.conf to: " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ( !is_dir( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) ) ) { fs_director::CreateDirectory( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) ); } copy( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_vhost' ), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) . "VHOSTBACKUP" . time() . "" ); fs_director::SetFileSystemPermissions( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_vhost' ) . ".BU", 0777 ); if ( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_purgebu' ) == strtolower( "true" ) ) { echo "Apache VHost purges are enabled... Purging backups older than: " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_purge_date' ) . " days..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); echo "[FILE][PURGE_DATE][FILE_DATE][ACTION]" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $purge_date = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_purge_date' ); if ( $handle = @opendir( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) ) ) { while ( false !== ($file = readdir( $handle )) ) { if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { $filetime = @filemtime( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) . $file ); if ( $filetime == NULL ) { $filetime = @filemtime( utf8_decode( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) . $file ) ); } $filetime = floor( (time() - $filetime) / 86400 ); echo "" . $file . " - " . $purge_date . " - " . $filetime . ""; if ( $purge_date < $filetime ) { //delete the file echo " - Deleting file..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); unlink( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_budir' ) . $file ); } else { echo " - Skipping file..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } } } echo "Purging old backups complete..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } echo "Apache backups complete..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); }

function TriggerApacheQuotaUsage() { global $zdbh; global $controller; $sql = $zdbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL" ); $sql->execute(); while ( $rowvhost = $sql->fetch() ) { if ( $rowvhost[ 'vh_enabled_in' ] == 1 && ctrl_users::CheckUserEnabled( $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] ) || $rowvhost[ 'vh_enabled_in' ] == 1 && ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_allow_disabled' ) == strtolower( "true" ) ) {

        //$checksize = $zdbh->query("SELECT * FROM x_bandwidth WHERE bd_month_in = " . date("Ym") . " AND bd_acc_fk = " . $rowvhost['vh_acc_fk'] . "")->fetch();

        $date      = date( "Ym" );
        $findsize  = $zdbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM x_bandwidth WHERE bd_month_in = :date AND bd_acc_fk = :acc" );
        $findsize->bindParam( ':date', $date );
        $findsize->bindParam( ':acc', $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] );
        $checksize = $findsize->fetch();

        $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail( $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] );
        if ( $checksize[ 'bd_diskover_in' ] != $checksize[ 'bd_diskcheck_in' ] && $checksize[ 'bd_diskover_in' ] == 1 ) {
            echo "Disk usage over quota, triggering Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $updateapache = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_settings SET so_value_tx = 'true' WHERE so_name_vc ='apache_changed'" );

            //$updateapache = $zdbh->query("UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_diskcheck_in = 1 WHERE bd_acc_fk =" . $rowvhost['vh_acc_fk'] . "");
            $updateapache2 = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_diskcheck_in = 1 WHERE bd_acc_fk = :acc" );
            $updateapache2->bindParam( ':acc', $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] );
        if ( $checksize[ 'bd_diskover_in' ] != $checksize[ 'bd_diskcheck_in' ] && $checksize[ 'bd_diskover_in' ] == 0 ) {
            echo "Disk usage under quota, triggering Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $updateapache = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_settings SET so_value_tx = 'true' WHERE so_name_vc ='apache_changed'" );

            //$updateapache = $zdbh->query("UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_diskcheck_in = 0 WHERE bd_acc_fk =" . $rowvhost['vh_acc_fk'] . "");
            $updateapache2 = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_diskcheck_in = 0 WHERE bd_acc_fk = :acc" );
            $updateapache2->bindParam( ':acc', $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] );
        if ( $checksize[ 'bd_transover_in' ] != $checksize[ 'bd_transcheck_in' ] && $checksize[ 'bd_transover_in' ] == 1 ) {
            echo "Bandwidth usage over quota, triggering Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $updateapache = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_settings SET so_value_tx = 'true' WHERE so_name_vc ='apache_changed'" );

            //$updateapache = $zdbh->query("UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_transcheck_in = 1 WHERE bd_acc_fk =" . $rowvhost['vh_acc_fk'] . "");
            $updateapache2 = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_transcheck_in = 1 WHERE bd_acc_fk = :acc" );
            $updateapache2->bindParam( ':acc', $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] );
        if ( $checksize[ 'bd_transover_in' ] != $checksize[ 'bd_transcheck_in' ] && $checksize[ 'bd_transover_in' ] == 0 ) {
            echo "Bandwidth usage under quota, triggering Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
            $updateapache = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_settings SET so_value_tx = 'true' WHERE so_name_vc ='apache_changed'" );

            //$updateapache = $zdbh->query("UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_transcheck_in = 0 WHERE bd_acc_fk =" . $rowvhost['vh_acc_fk'] . "");
            $updateapache2 = $zdbh->prepare( "UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_transcheck_in = 0 WHERE bd_acc_fk = :acc" );
            $updateapache2->bindParam( ':acc', $rowvhost[ 'vh_acc_fk' ] );



isanda1946 commented 10 years ago


please post the code for your entire file so I can give it a test also so we can push a fix for this ASAP.

Files posted as requested and attached here as a zip



ghost commented 8 years ago

c:\zpanel\panel\modules\apache_admin\hooks\OnDaemonRun.hook.php Find:

$returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand(
    ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'httpd_exe' ), array(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'apache_restart' ))

Replace with

$returnValue = shell_exec(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('httpd_exe').' '.ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_restart'));

Is not the best way but it works.
