zpm-zsh / tmux

zsh plugin for tmux
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 6 forks source link

tmux.plugin.zsh:27: command not found: _tmux_motd #2

Open XVilka opened 5 years ago

XVilka commented 5 years ago

I use antibody zsh plugin manager with this minimized configuration:

# Load antibody plugin manager
source <(antibody init)

# Plugins
antibody bundle zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting
antibody bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
antibody bundle zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
antibody bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions
antibody bundle marzocchi/zsh-notify
# Functional zsh
antibody bundle Tarrasch/zsh-functional
# Colorize ls/exa output
antibody bundle zpm-zsh/ls
# Tmux integration
antibody bundle zpm-zsh/tmux

And during the start of tmux I see the error message:

/home/user/.cache/antibody/https-COLON--SLASH--SLASH-github.com-SLASH-zpm-zsh-SLASH-tmux/tmux.plugin.zsh:27: command not found: _tmux_motd
grigorii-horos commented 5 years ago

Hello. I use my own plugin manager, who add bin/ directory to $PATH. So, I think that this plugin doesn't useful without this.