Hi, just want to ask, when I try to rotate the teddy or replace the teddy, it doesn't work. Is there something wrong with my command line and how should I change it?
Here is my command line for rotate the teddy:
python -u launch.py --config custom/threestudio-3dgs/configs/scene_lang.yaml --train --gpu 0 tag=3DitScene
system.geometry.geometry_convert_from=depth:assets/teddy.png system.geometry.ooi_bbox=[122,119,387,495]
system.prompt_processor.prompt="a teddy bear in Times Square" system.empty_prompt="Times Square, out of focus" system.side_prompt="Teddy bear, rotate"
and for replace teddy:
python -u launch.py --config custom/threestudio-3dgs/configs/scene_lang.yaml --train --gpu 0 tag=3DitScene system.geometry.geometry_convert_from=depth:assets/teddy.png system.geometry.ooi_bbox=[122,119,387,495] system.
prompt_processor.prompt="a teddy bear in Times Square" system.empty_prompt="Times Square, out of focus" system.side_prompt="Replace the teddy bear with cat"
Hi, just want to ask, when I try to rotate the teddy or replace the teddy, it doesn't work. Is there something wrong with my command line and how should I change it?
Here is my command line for rotate the teddy: python -u launch.py --config custom/threestudio-3dgs/configs/scene_lang.yaml --train --gpu 0 tag=3DitScene system.geometry.geometry_convert_from=depth:assets/teddy.png system.geometry.ooi_bbox=[122,119,387,495] system.prompt_processor.prompt="a teddy bear in Times Square" system.empty_prompt="Times Square, out of focus" system.side_prompt="Teddy bear, rotate"
and for replace teddy: python -u launch.py --config custom/threestudio-3dgs/configs/scene_lang.yaml --train --gpu 0 tag=3DitScene system.geometry.geometry_convert_from=depth:assets/teddy.png system.geometry.ooi_bbox=[122,119,387,495] system. prompt_processor.prompt="a teddy bear in Times Square" system.empty_prompt="Times Square, out of focus" system.side_prompt="Replace the teddy bear with cat"