zqhang / AnomalyCLIP

Official implementation for AnomalyCLIP (ICLR 2024)
192 stars 21 forks source link

When will the source code be released? #2

Closed shining-love closed 3 months ago

shining-love commented 5 months ago


cryingdxy commented 4 months ago


7HHHHH commented 4 months ago


ygjwd12345 commented 4 months ago


zqhang commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your attention. I've been busy with other deadlines and wrapping up projects lately. Once I finish these works, I will open source. It takes about a week maybe shorter

lyy70 commented 4 months ago

Does v-attention alone not lose information? I did this work, inspired by AnoVL, But the performance is a little worse than before. Looking forward to your code, it would be very helpful.

Wangjinhong1998 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your attention. I've been busy with other deadlines and wrapping up projects lately. Once I finish these works, I will open source. It takes about a week maybe shorter

Can this be completed and released this week? thank you

ladch commented 4 months ago

Looking forward to your open source release as soon as possible!

endeavor-FF commented 4 months ago


jhpang32 commented 4 months ago


cryingdxy commented 3 months ago

when will the code will be released?

tianyu0207 commented 3 months ago

Hi Code has been released thanks for your interest.