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MySQL 5.7 新功能之 sys schema #3

Open zqhong opened 7 years ago

zqhong commented 7 years ago

MySQL 在数据字典方面的演变历史

sys schema 的组成和作用

MySQL 官方 BLOG 介绍:

For Linux users I like to compare performance_schema to /proc, and SYS to vmstat.

Sys views

views 的两种形式

对于每一个试图,都有两种形式,一种便于人类阅读,一种便于工作处理(以 x$ 开头)

mysql> select * from host_summary_by_file_io;
| host       | ios   | io_latency |
| localhost  | 15416 | 1.58 s     |
| background |  3723 | 1.12 s     |
|   |   589 | 31.31 ms   |
3 rows in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select * from x$host_summary_by_file_io;
| host       | ios   | io_latency    |
| localhost  | 15416 | 1583845311152 |
| background |  3726 | 1118816307764 |
|   |   589 |   31312339748 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Views:sys schema 如何帮助使用

  1. 谁使用了最多的资源;
  2. 大部分连接来自哪里;
  3. 在哪个文件产生了最多的 IO,它的 IO 模式是怎么样的;
  4. 哪张表被访问得最多;
  5. 哪些语句延迟较大,这些延迟较大的语句有哪些特征;
  6. 哪些 SQL 语句使用了磁盘临时表;
  7. 哪张表占用了最多的 buffer pool 空间;




  1. 谁使用了最多的资源
    mysql> select * from user_summary limit 1\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                  user: homestead
            statements: 9444
     statement_latency: 5.69 s
    statement_avg_latency: 602.53 us
           table_scans: 682
              file_ios: 32010
       file_io_latency: 3.23 s
    current_connections: 1
     total_connections: 106
          unique_hosts: 2
        current_memory: 0 bytes
    total_memory_allocated: 0 bytes
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  2. 大部分连接来自哪里
    mysql> select * from host_summary \G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
            statements: 147
     statement_latency: 162.00 ms
    statement_avg_latency: 1.10 ms
           table_scans: 84
              file_ios: 589
       file_io_latency: 31.31 ms
    current_connections: 0
     total_connections: 15
          unique_users: 1
        current_memory: 0 bytes
    total_memory_allocated: 0 bytes
    *************************** 2. row ***************************
                  host: localhost
            statements: 4806
     statement_latency: 2.74 s
    statement_avg_latency: 569.92 us
           table_scans: 260
              file_ios: 15416
       file_io_latency: 1.58 s
    current_connections: 1
     total_connections: 91
          unique_users: 1
        current_memory: 0 bytes
    total_memory_allocated: 0 bytes
    2 rows in set (0.02 sec)



Example: 在哪个文件产生了最多的IO

mysql> select * from io_global_by_file_by_bytes limit 3 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         file: @@datadir/ibdata1
   count_read: 162
   total_read: 4.55 MiB
     avg_read: 28.74 KiB
  count_write: 809
total_written: 30.42 MiB
    avg_write: 38.51 KiB
        total: 34.97 MiB
    write_pct: 87.00
*************************** 2. row ***************************
         file: @@datadir/ibtmp1
   count_read: 0
   total_read: 0 bytes
     avg_read: 0 bytes
  count_write: 148
total_written: 14.12 MiB
    avg_write: 97.73 KiB
        total: 14.12 MiB
    write_pct: 100.00
*************************** 3. row ***************************
         file: @@datadir/ib_logfile0
   count_read: 7
   total_read: 68.50 KiB
     avg_read: 9.79 KiB
  count_write: 1026
total_written: 2.81 MiB
    avg_write: 2.81 KiB
        total: 2.88 MiB
    write_pct: 97.68
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Views:schema 级别的统计信息

  1. 对象
  2. 索引使用统计
  3. 表使用统计
  4. 表锁信息


  1. 查看索引统计信息

    mysql> select table_schema, table_name, index_name, rows_selected, rows_inserted, rows_updated, rows_deleted from
    | table_schema | table_name | index_name | rows_selected | rows_inserted | rows_updated | rows_deleted |
    | test | sbtest2 | PRIMARY | 1440833595 | 0 | 5994464 | 1998083 |
    | test | sbtest1 | PRIMARY | 1442705405 | 0 | 6002248 | 2000660 |
    | sys | sys_config | PRIMARY | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | test | person | PRIMARY | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | test | sbtest1 | k_1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | test | sbtest2 | k_2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | test | t1 | PRIMARY | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | test | t1 | idx_a_b | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | test | t1 | idx_a_b_d | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | test | t1 | idx_b_c | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | test | t1 | idx_b_c_d | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
  2. 查看自增字段情况

    mysql> select data_type, column_type, is_unsigned, max_value, auto_increment_ratio from schema_auto_increment_columns;
    | data_type | column_type      | is_unsigned | max_value  | auto_increment_ratio |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    | int       | int(10) unsigned |           1 | 4294967295 |               0.0000 |
    38 rows in set (0.05 sec)

Views:statement 级别的统计信息

  1. 执行错误;
  2. 全表扫描;
  3. 创建临时表;
  4. 排序;


  1. 哪些语句延迟较大,这些延迟较大的语句有哪些特征

mysql> select * from statement_analysis limit 2 \G 1. row query: SELECT sys . format_path ( ... ) ) , ? ) ) AS avg_write , db: sys full_scan: * exec_count: 7 err_count: 0 warn_count: 0 total_latency: 586.44 ms max_latency: 279.03 ms avg_latency: 83.78 ms lock_latency: 2.76 ms rows_sent: 749 rows_sent_avg: 107 rows_examined: 370328 rows_examined_avg: 52904 rows_affected: 0 rows_affected_avg: 0 tmp_tables: 0 tmp_disk_tables: 0 rows_sorted: 749 sort_merge_passes: 0 digest: 24b079601859386b8e421d066b259805 first_seen: 2016-11-11 15:28:44 last_seen: 2016-11-12 08:07:02 2. row query: SELECT performance_schema . ... name.SUM_TIMER_WAIT` DESC db: sys full_scan: * exec_count: 2 err_count: 0 warn_count: 0 total_latency: 136.38 ms max_latency: 81.04 ms avg_latency: 68.19 ms lock_latency: 1.48 ms rows_sent: 76 rows_sent_avg: 38 rows_examined: 1436 rows_examined_avg: 718 rows_affected: 0 rows_affected_avg: 0 tmp_tables: 458 tmp_disk_tables: 38 rows_sorted: 76 sort_merge_passes: 0 digest: 30066488887c2b0b51a14219e663b4ca first_seen: 2016-11-12 08:19:44 last_seen: 2016-11-12 08:22:48 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2. 哪些 `SQL` 语句使用了磁盘临时表

mysql> select * from statements_with_temp_tables limit 2 \G 1. row query: SELECT performance_schema . ... name.SUM_TIMER_WAITDESC db: sys exec_count: 2 total_latency: 136.38 ms memory_tmp_tables: 458 disk_tmp_tables: 38 avg_tmp_tables_per_query: 229 tmp_tables_to_disk_pct: 8 first_seen: 2016-11-12 08:19:44 last_seen: 2016-11-12 08:22:48 digest: 30066488887c2b0b51a14219e663b4ca *************************** 2. row *************************** query: SHOW FIELDS FROMhifone.threads` db: hifone exec_count: 12 total_latency: 6.85 ms memory_tmp_tables: 12 disk_tmp_tables: 12 avg_tmp_tables_per_query: 1 tmp_tables_to_disk_pct: 100 first_seen: 2016-10-29 04:34:12 last_seen: 2016-10-29 04:40:58 digest: acb06bb463da7794797c64245e97cb82 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

## Views:其他
1. Buffer pool
2. 锁等待
3. 会话
4. 延迟

innodb_buffer_starts_by_schema innodb_buffer_starts_by_table innodb_lock_waits wait_classes_global_by_avg_latency wait_classes_global_by_latency waits_by_host_by_latency waits_by_user_by_latency processlist session

Example:哪张表占用了最多的 `buffer pool` 空间

mysql> select * from innodb_buffer_stats_by_table limit 3; +---------------+---------------------------+------------+------------+-------+--------------+-----------+-------------+ | object_schema | object_name | allocated | data | pages | pages_hashed | pages_old | rows_cached | +---------------+---------------------------+------------+------------+-------+--------------+-----------+-------------+ | InnoDB System | SYS_TABLES | 3.06 MiB | 2.74 MiB | 196 | 196 | 196 | 9417 | | mysql | time_zone_transition | 800.00 KiB | 715.16 KiB | 50 | 50 | 50 | 21644 | | mysql | time_zone_transition_type | 272.00 KiB | 224.70 KiB | 17 | 17 | 17 | 5766 | +---------------+---------------------------+------------+------------+-------+--------------+-----------+-------------+

3 rows in set (0.03 sec)


# 案例:索引
## 索引的好处
* 通过索引过滤,减少需要扫描的记录数量;
* 索引可以帮助服务器避免排序和临时表;
* 索引可以将随机 IO 变为顺序 IO;
* 通过索引覆盖,加快查询;

## 索引的坏处
* 占用磁盘空间;
* 增加了记录修改(插入、删除、修改)的

## 查看索引统计

mysql> select table_schema, table_name, index_name, rows_selected, rows_inserted from schema_index_statistics limit 3; +--------------+------------+----------------------+---------------+---------------+ | table_schema | table_name | index_name | rows_selected | rows_inserted | +--------------+------------+----------------------+---------------+---------------+ | hifone | users | PRIMARY | 79 | 0 | | hifone | threads | PRIMARY | 15 | 0 | | hifone | adblocks | adblocks_slug_unique | 85 | 0 | +--------------+------------+----------------------+---------------+---------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

## 查找重复索引

mysql> select table_name, redundant_index_name, sql_drop_index from -> schema_redundant_indexes limit 2; +------------+--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | table_name | redundant_index_name | sql_drop_index | +------------+--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | identities | identities_user_id_index | ALTER TABLE hifone.identities DROP INDEX identities_user_id_index | +------------+--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec)

## 查找无用索引

mysql> SELECT * FROM schema_unused_indexes limit 2; +---------------+-------------+---------------------------+ | object_schema | object_name | index_name | +---------------+-------------+---------------------------+ | hifone | adspaces | adspaces_position_unique | | hifone | adspaces | adspaces_adblock_id_index | +---------------+-------------+---------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


# 参考
[Sys-Schema--赖明星@PHPCon2016 - youku](http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYzNDI5MDIyNA==.html?&f=27589422&from=y1.2-3.4.2)