zrax / pycdc

C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Decompiling .PYC: Unsupported opcode: WITH_EXCEPT_START #445

Closed AlexPaiva closed 3 months ago

AlexPaiva commented 3 months ago

I am decompiling a .pyc file and the code to decompile is a try: except: and I am getting Unsupported opcode: WITH_EXCEPT_START and afterwards WARNING: Decompyle incomplete, any way I can get the inside code any other way?

The .pyc is from python 3.10.4

zrax commented 3 months ago

Duplicate #450

AlexPaiva commented 3 months ago

Where can I find the documentation? Can you give a quick guide where to find everything so I can try to add this and support this operation myself?

Any tips on that aswell? Are you planning to add support?