zrdzn / GreatLifeSteal

A recently popular Minecraft plugin for life stealing system in SMP servers.
MIT License
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Add support for Sponge API #130

Open g8mz opened 1 year ago

g8mz commented 1 year ago

I dont really know if this is a problem with spongeforge itself or anything, its just that it doesnt wanna fully boot up my server once i try, i tried before with different mods and everything worked without issues. idk if its a plugin/mod thats broken, or it just spongeforge itself, but if its due to the mod not being compatible with spongeforge (which i think so because it never mentioned anything about spongeforge but spongeforge can run spigot plugins and forge mods.) please fix/add this asap!

thank you for reading


P3ridot commented 1 year ago

Sponge and Spigot have completely different API. Spigot plugins can't run on Sponge. Only some engines like Magma or Mohist can do that.

zrdzn commented 1 year ago

As @P3ridot said, there's no way that you can run a spigot-only plugin on the Sponge engine. Some plugins just have a support for the Sponge and the Spigot API at the same time. Currently we don't support Sponge API, but we may add a support for that in the future - we'll think of that, so this issue won't be closed for now.