Hi, I got these type errors after upgrading to 1.53.9. Do you have any ideas?
node_modules/data-structure-typed/dist/mjs/data-structures/binary-tree/avl-tree-multi-map.d.ts:159:5 - error TS2416: Property 'clone' in type 'AVLTreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'AVLTree<K, V, R, NODE>'.
Type '() => AVLTreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>' is not assignable to type '() => this'.
Type 'AVLTreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>' is not assignable to type 'this'.
'AVLTreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>' is assignable to the constraint of type 'this', but 'this' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'AVLTreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>'.
159 clone(): AVLTreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>;
node_modules/data-structure-typed/dist/mjs/data-structures/binary-tree/bst.d.ts:162:5 - error TS2416: Property 'createTree' in type 'BST<K, V, R, NODE>' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'BinaryTree<K, V, R, NODE>'.
Type '(options?: BSTOptions<K, V, R>) => BST<K, V, R, BSTNode<K, V, BSTNodeNested<K, V>>>' is not assignable to type '(options?: BinaryTreeOptions<K, V, R>) => this'.
Type 'BST<K, V, R, BSTNode<K, V, BSTNodeNested<K, V>>>' is not assignable to type 'this'.
'this' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'BST<K, V, R, BSTNode<K, V, BSTNodeNested<K, V>>>'.
162 createTree(options?: BSTOptions<K, V, R>): BST<K, V, R, BSTNode<K, V, BSTNodeNested<K, V>>>;
node_modules/data-structure-typed/dist/mjs/data-structures/binary-tree/bst.d.ts:418:5 - error TS2416: Property 'map' in type 'BST<K, V, R, NODE>' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'BinaryTree<K, V, R, NODE>'.
Type '<MK, MV, MR>(callback: EntryCallback<K, V, [MK, MV]>, options?: BSTOptions<MK, MV, MR>, thisArg?: any) => BST<MK, MV, MR, BSTNode<...>>' is not assignable to type '<MK, MV, MR>(callback: EntryCallback<K, V, [MK, MV]>, options?: BinaryTreeOptions<MK, MV, MR>, thisArg?: any) => BinaryTree<MK, MV, MR, BinaryTreeNode<...>>'.
Call signature return types 'BST<MK, MV, MR, BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<MK, MV>>>' and 'BinaryTree<MK, MV, MR, BinaryTreeNode<MK, MV, BinaryTreeNodeNested<MK, MV>>>' are incompatible.
The types of 'search' are incompatible between these types.
Type '<C extends NodeCallback<BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<MK, MV>>>>(keyNodeEntryRawOrPredicate: MR | Range<MK> | BTNRep<MK, MV, BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<...>>> | NodePredicate<...>, onlyOne?: boolean, callback?: C, startNode?: MR | BTNRep<...>, iterationType?: IterationType) => ReturnType<...>[]' is not assignable to type '<C extends NodeCallback<BinaryTreeNode<MK, MV, BinaryTreeNodeNested<MK, MV>>>>(keyNodeEntryRawOrPredicate: MR | BTNRep<MK, MV, BinaryTreeNode<...>> | NodePredicate<...>, onlyOne?: boolean, callback?: C, startNode?: MR | BTNRep<...>, iterationType?: IterationType) => ReturnType<...>[]'.
Types of parameters 'keyNodeEntryRawOrPredicate' and 'keyNodeEntryRawOrPredicate' are incompatible.
Type 'MR | BTNRep<MK, MV, BinaryTreeNode<MK, MV, BinaryTreeNodeNested<MK, MV>>> | NodePredicate<BinaryTreeNode<MK, MV, BinaryTreeNodeNested<...>>>' is not assignable to type 'MR | Range<MK> | BTNRep<MK, MV, BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<MK, MV>>> | NodePredicate<BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<...>>>'.
Type 'BinaryTreeNode<MK, MV, BinaryTreeNodeNested<MK, MV>>' is not assignable to type 'MR | Range<MK> | BTNRep<MK, MV, BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<MK, MV>>> | NodePredicate<BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<...>>>'.
Type 'BinaryTreeNode<MK, MV, BinaryTreeNodeNested<MK, MV>>' is not assignable to type 'BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<MK, MV>>'.
The types of 'parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent' are incompatible between these types.
Type 'BinaryTreeNode<MK, MV, any>' is not assignable to type 'BSTNode<MK, MV, any>'.
Property '_left' is protected but type 'BinaryTreeNode<K, V, NODE>' is not a class derived from 'BSTNode<K, V, NODE>'.
418 map<MK, MV, MR>(callback: EntryCallback<K, V | undefined, [MK, MV]>, options?: BSTOptions<MK, MV, MR>, thisArg?: any): BST<MK, MV, MR, BSTNode<MK, MV, BSTNodeNested<MK, MV>>>;
node_modules/data-structure-typed/dist/mjs/data-structures/binary-tree/tree-multi-map.d.ts:157:5 - error TS2416: Property 'clone' in type 'TreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'RedBlackTree<K, V, R, NODE>'.
Type '() => TreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>' is not assignable to type '() => this'.
Type 'TreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>' is not assignable to type 'this'.
'TreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>' is assignable to the constraint of type 'this', but 'this' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'TreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>'.
157 clone(): TreeMultiMap<K, V, R, NODE>;
Found 4 errors in 3 files.
You can reproduce it by following these steps.
mkdir test && cd test
npm i data-structure-typed typescript @types/node
echo "import 'data-structure-typed';" > test.ts
npx tsc --init
npx tsc test.ts
Note that you wouldn't see these error when you downgrade data-structure-typed to 1.53.8.
$ node --version
$ npx tsc --version
Version 5.7.2
Hi, I got these type errors after upgrading to 1.53.9. Do you have any ideas?
You can reproduce it by following these steps.
mkdir test && cd test
npm i data-structure-typed typescript @types/node
echo "import 'data-structure-typed';" > test.ts
npx tsc --init
npx tsc test.ts
Note that you wouldn't see these error when you downgrade data-structure-typed to 1.53.8.