zs6buj / AntTracker

Antenna Tracker for tracking a moving model aircraft or drone with a small high-gain UHF or SHF antenna
GNU General Public License v3.0
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General questions and version discrepancies #12

Closed skaman82 closed 4 years ago

skaman82 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am very interested in building this tracker (LTM and Mavlink-BT options). But first I have noticed some version discrepancies. The LTM version is v0.22 and mavlink is 0.37. Why they are not at the same stage? And do I need to decide witch protocol I have to use or it determines the protocol automatically? That would be great because I probably use Mavlink AND LTM depending on Aircraft.

Also I've seen on RC groups some code supporting an OLED I2C display. Is this already part of your code? This would be great if we could have some configuration options (like protocol selection) and/or for some status data.

zs6buj commented 5 years ago

Hi skaman82

The LTM and Mavlink versions diverged when Mavlink specific changes were made, for example to support Mavlink 2 using the Ardupilot libraries. The essential functionality is the same.

Right now I don't detect protocol automatically, but I can see your point that you might need such a feature. Maybe I'll do that when I get some time (in short supply right now). :)

The same goes for OLED I2C. I have some immature test code up and running, but need to tidy it up before publishing. My OLED display is the popular 0.96 inch two colour one, but I find it a bit small, so I was looking at slightly bigger screens, but other things intervened. Also one of the guys has produced a version/fork supporting OLED if you can find it.

skaman82 commented 5 years ago

@zs6buj Thanks for you quick answers. I will give it a go and build this. Really looking forward to multi-protocol version configurable on an OLED! :D