zs6buj / AntTracker

Antenna Tracker for tracking a moving model aircraft or drone with a small high-gain UHF or SHF antenna
GNU General Public License v3.0
143 stars 41 forks source link

compilation #25

Closed secretman28 closed 3 years ago

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

no matching function for call to 'Adafruit_SSD1306::Adafruit_SSD1306(int, int, TwoWire*, int)' what is wrong,

Heltec Wifi Kit 32 i cant find the error ;(

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Please use the Adafruit libraries in the library folder inside AmtTracker folder


secretman28 commented 3 years ago

will give it a try today

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

better but no 'SetHomePin' was not declared in this scope

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

uint8_t SetHomeState = digitalRead(SetHomePin); // Check if home button is pushed = 0

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

cant get it to work even if i try other board kind same error dont know what i do wrong, im using the includ library

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

I just compiled AntTrackv2.14 clean again here. Checked all the libraries. Sorry, I don't know how to help you. Is your Arduino IDE working for other compiles? Maybe try some examples.

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

yes my arduino work for other thnig ;( can you build an #define ESP32_Variant 4 // Heltec Wifi Kit 32 - contributed by Noircogi ? that i can test its a week i try to find what dont work here :(

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Yes sure.

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

The Heltec binary for 2.14 is on github now.

I had to add the pin info for the Heltec board, and guessed the Servo pins.

I need to tidy up this version because I did it in a hurry and never got around to cleaning it up. My bad. I'll try to do that tomorrow.

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

tanks a lot I give it a try tonight :)

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

i cant find the bin the only one that was there is the one it was when i download can you point me at it ? tanks

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Hi secretman28

I updated features and published v2.15. You will find a Heltec WiFi kit 32 binary there.

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

tanks a lot !

mello73 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Please, what is the best version of the arduino IDE for compile for the ESP32 Regards and Happy New Year

secretman28 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Please, what is the best version of the arduino IDE for compile for the ESP32 Regards and Happy New Year

I never got it to work I don't have time to get in to it probably a stupidity but never find it

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Hi @secretman28

I'm using v1.8.13 of Arduino IDE.



mello73 commented 3 years ago

Hello evreybody, Thanks @secretman28 Thanks @zs6buj

I proced to instal, program and test the chain.

I'm very very iteresting to see the reaction of the tracker. I never see a tracker works ,,,

mello73 commented 3 years ago

Compilation AntTrack_v2.15.4 OK

Plus Mavlink lib Prog_screen_1 Result

mello73 commented 3 years ago

Great :)

mello73 commented 3 years ago

Little two questions please ( I don't know if here is the good place) :

1.The tracker can use only one gps in the aircraft and in this case, the tracker record the gps coordinate when I push the "Set_Home button" ?

  1. Can I use for the tracker the compass integer in M8Q-5883 ( the QMC5883L ) ?

Thanks a lot

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

1.The tracker can use only one gps in the aircraft and in this case, the tracker record the gps coordinate when I push the "Set_Home button" ?

Yes, the tracker gets the GPS do-ordinates from the GPS on the aircraft. But it also needs to know the direction the tracker is facing at rest (when you switch on). From that it can extrapolate where to point when the aircraft moves.

The tracker can take the direction from the aircraft at rest if the aircraft has a compass, or you can "set home", walk with the aircraft in the direction the tracker is facing (usually the field in front of you), and push the button again. These are options in the firmware macros.

Some guys have added a compass onto the tracker box to use as a reference for the assembly at rest.

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

V2.17.0 Beta published with compass and GPS on the tracker box. Moving Tracker box supported.