zs6buj / AntTracker

Antenna Tracker for tracking a moving model aircraft or drone with a small high-gain UHF or SHF antenna
GNU General Public License v3.0
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R9M ACCST S.PORT connexion / mavlink detection #28

Closed mello73 closed 3 years ago

mello73 commented 3 years ago


I have

I dont't know if my process or connexion wirring it's ok or not

  1. connct Sport from R9M to pin 27 ESP32 image
  2. powerup plane, wait fix 3D
  3. powerup radio and recive = telemetry OK
  4. check logs : image

Thannks a lot

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Hi @mello73

It's interesting that we could detect the baud rate, but still not find Frsky telemetry. To find Frsky telem we look for 0x7E like this:

if (chr==0x7E) FSky++; // Found candidate FrSky

S.Port telem is inverted, meaning that it is "idle low", while "normal" telemetry is idle high. So either we tell the esp32 to expect inverted, or you need a hardware inverter.

Let's rather tell the esp32 to expect inverted telemetry

In tab GetProtocol, line 60 replace


with this:

    #if ( (defined ESP8266) || (defined ESP32) ) 
      inSerial.begin(baud, SERIAL_8N1, rxPin, txPin, frInvert); 

Now in the main tab, called AntTrack..., line 486, similarly replace


with this:

    #if ( (defined ESP8266) || (defined ESP32) ) 
      inSerial.begin(baud, SERIAL_8N1, rxPin, txPin, frInvert); 

Now, in the config.h tab, in the configuration for ESP32 Dev Module, approximately line 198, insert

#define frInvert true

I will make these changes and publish v2.15.5.

Could you let me know the outcome?

Regards Eric

mello73 commented 3 years ago

THANKS Eric for your reactivity !

I apply all the modify, but I can't test because : <<frInvert' was not declared in this scope >> image

Thanks ,,,

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Ok, missed that. Put a hash # in front of define frInvert true

define frInvert true

mello73 commented 3 years ago

Hello Eric,

Thanks !

A new little error :

image image

Have a nice day

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Strange. Did you select Dev Board ?

//**********************   S E L E C T   E S P   B O A R D   V A R I A N T   ******************

#define ESP32_Variant     1    //  ESP32 Dev Module - there are several sub-variants that work
mello73 commented 3 years ago

Merci Eric ! Great ! Great ! Great !

hbGood = 1 gpsGood = 1 homeInitialised = 1 0x5002 Num sats=13 gpsStatus=3 HDOP=8 fr_vdop=0 gpsAlt=22.8 neg=0 hbGood = 1 gpsGood = 1 homeInitialised = 1 hom.lat = 45.5XXX hom.lon = 6.XXX hom.alt = -3 cur.lat = 45.XXX cur.lon = 6.XXX cur.alt = 23 hc_vector.az= 283.66 hc_vector.el= 62.76 hc_vector.dist= 12 Elapsed= 273.836 Az = 283.66 El = 62.76 hmHdg = 241.47 pntAz = 132 El = 62.76 LastGoodpntAz = 132 LastGoodEl = 62 hmHdg = 241.47 azPWM = 1080 elPWM = 1780 hbGood = 1 gpsGood = 1 homeInitialised = 1

Yes !!!!

You have reason

At the start, I test different configuration and only one esp configuratyon active the display for my cheap ESP TTGO :

For momentanly solve my issue I add in the main tab, called "AntTrack.." at line 187 :

bool frInvert = true;

I think it's not the best pactice ,,,,

Thanks a lot

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

un plaisir mon ami

I plan to upgrade support for more boards and more displays, but time escapes me.

mello73 commented 3 years ago

C'est toi mon AMI -> Merci pour ton Grand Aide ! I never see in the past a tracking antenna working . I want to see and check if the algorithm works good ,,, I'm very very impatiently !!!

mello73 commented 3 years ago

All Works good Merci

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Bonjour mon ami

I came back here because the other site was getting a bit jumbled.

I recommend this way forward now that your servos are working:

  1. Clone this firmware, configure for yourself and UDP out, compile and flash to ESP32 number 1. Connect wires from RM9 S.Port to rx pin of your ESP32, and ground to ground. Start the board and view the log output to the monitor. If you have a display, wait and then see HUD on display.
  2. Clone new Tracker firmware, configure for FrSky UDP in, flash to ESP32 number 2, start it and view log on serial monitor. If you have a display, wait and HUD info will appear on display.
  3. Compare the two HUD's info, should be the same.

I have also added FrSky UDP out into Mav2PT.

Cordialement, mon ami. Nous partons pour le centre commercial.

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

If you PM me I will give you my e-mail address