zs6buj / AntTracker

Antenna Tracker for tracking a moving model aircraft or drone with a small high-gain UHF or SHF antenna
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Compilation issues while having heading source 4=Trackerbox_GPS_And_Compass set #35

Closed esterlinpol closed 3 years ago

esterlinpol commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm getting the following compilation issue when I set the :

#define Heading_Source 4 // 1=Flight_GPS, 2=Flight_Computer, 3=Trackerbox_Compass 4=Trackerbox_GPS_And_Compass

Getting the following error message in the arduino ide:

C:\Users\Esterlin\Downloads\AntTracker-master 1\AntTracker-master\Beta\AntTrack\GPS.ino: In function 'void getTrackerboxLocation()': GPS:147:9: error: 'tboxGPS' was not declared in this scope if (tboxGPS.encode(gpsSerial.read())) { ^ GPS:168:9: error: 'dt' was not declared in this scope dt.yyyy = yyyy - 1900; // epoch year ^ GPS:175:32: error: 'getEpoch' was not declared in this scope epochSync = getEpoch(dt); ^ exit status 1 'getBaud' was not declared in this scope

If I set the heading source to 3, Tracker box compass, the program compiles and works properly,

This is happening in both stable and beta versions.

I'm I missing something?

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Hi esterlinpol

It looks like you might have a version or library problem. I just clean compiled 2.17.8 with Heading_Source 4.

Previously I changed to the TinyGPSPlus library to improve a few things, and tboxGPS is the instantiated GPS object.

Can you confirm your version, and also make sure you have copied the TinyGPSPlus folder from my library folder on GitHub to your active library folder.

esterlinpol commented 3 years ago

Hello Sir, I missed the libraries files included in the source code,

So now,

I have removed all the libraries I had installed, and copied yours to my libraries folder, I am getting the following error now:

`Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: "FireBeetle-ESP32, 80MHz, 921600"

C:\Users\Esterlin\Documents\Arduino\AntTrack\AntTrack.ino: In function 'void setup()':

AntTrack:533:34: error: 'getBaud' was not declared in this scope

   gpsBaud = getBaud(gps_rxPin);


C:\Users\Esterlin\Documents\Arduino\AntTrack\GPS.ino: At global scope:

GPS:138:1: error: 'TinyGPSPlus' does not name a type

TinyGPSPlus tboxGPS;


C:\Users\Esterlin\Documents\Arduino\AntTrack\GPS.ino: In function 'void getTrackerboxLocation()':

GPS:147:9: error: 'tboxGPS' was not declared in this scope

 if (tboxGPS.encode(gpsSerial.read())) {


GPS:168:9: error: 'dt' was not declared in this scope

     dt.yyyy = yyyy - 1900;  // epoch year


GPS:175:32: error: 'getEpoch' was not declared in this scope

     epochSync = getEpoch(dt);


exit status 1

'getBaud' was not declared in this scop`

More information:

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

If you open the GetProtocol tab, do you see getBaud( on line 182?


esterlinpol commented 3 years ago

Yes, it looks like:

// ** uint32_t getBaud(uint8_t pin) { Log.print("autoBaud - sensing pin "); Log.println(pin); // Log.printf("autoBaud - sensing pin %2d \n", pin ); uint8_t i = 0; uint8_t col = 0; pinMode(pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite (pin, HIGH); // for noise reduction ?

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Could you please post your config.h

esterlinpol commented 3 years ago

Here it is config.h.txt

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

Ok, with your config.h I can replicate the compiler error. I'll be able to post a fix in the morning.

zs6buj commented 3 years ago

I've fix a few syntax error that cropped up with your config.h. |Please try v2.17.9. My fault. I seem to have lost some work somewhere while moving house. I've also renewed Adafruit_HMC5883_Unified in my libraries folder, so you might want to copy that over.

esterlinpol commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the amazing help and fast response, everything is working now.

I'll continue working on building the tracker and post my results in the rcforums thread.