zs6buj / AntTracker

Antenna Tracker for tracking a moving model aircraft or drone with a small high-gain UHF or SHF antenna
GNU General Public License v3.0
141 stars 41 forks source link

Compilation issues for STM32F108C8 on ArduinoIDE #38

Closed TTN- closed 1 year ago

TTN- commented 2 years ago
  1. I installed the libraries by copying them into user\Documents\Arduino\libraries

  2. installed STM32DUINO library as per here https://github.com/stm32duino/wiki/wiki/Getting-Started

  3. set my configuration in config.h as required, servo uS, no compass, bluepill STM32F103C8 etc..

  4. set arduino ide board type: image

  5. get "no board defined" error: AntTrack.ino:126: config.h:210:4: error: #error "No board type defined!" (Was I supposed to declare that or does the IDE do that bit?)

  6. manually add #define __BluePill_F103C8__ in config.h line 178

  7. error during compilation:

    D:\User_HDD\Google Drive\Projects\RC gear\STM32 antenna tracker\AntTracker-master\Source\AntTrack\EEPROM.ino: In function 'int32_t EEPROMReadlong(uint16_t)':
    EEPROM:156:27: error: no matching function for call to 'EEPROMClass::read(uint16_t&, uint16_t*)'
    156 |     EEPROM.read(addr, &two);
      |                           ^
    In file included from D:\User_HDD\Google Drive\Projects\RC gear\STM32 antenna tracker\AntTracker-master\Source\AntTrack\EEPROM.ino:94:
    C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.1.0\libraries\EEPROM\src/EEPROM.h:201:11: note: candidate: 'uint8_t EEPROMClass::read(int)'
    201 |   uint8_t read(int idx)
      |           ^~~~
    C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.1.0\libraries\EEPROM\src/EEPROM.h:201:11: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided
    EEPROM:157:29: error: no matching function for call to 'EEPROMClass::read(int, uint16_t*)'
    157 |     EEPROM.read(addr+1, &one);
      |                             ^
    In file included from D:\User_HDD\Google Drive\Projects\RC gear\STM32 antenna tracker\AntTracker-master\Source\AntTrack\EEPROM.ino:94:
    C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.1.0\libraries\EEPROM\src/EEPROM.h:201:11: note: candidate: 'uint8_t EEPROMClass::read(int)'
    201 |   uint8_t read(int idx)
      |           ^~~~
    C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.1.0\libraries\EEPROM\src/EEPROM.h:201:11: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided
    Multiple libraries were found for "Wire.h"
    Used: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.1.0\libraries\Wire
    Not used: D:\User_HDD\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Wire
    Multiple libraries were found for "EEPROM.h"
    Used: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.1.0\libraries\EEPROM
    Not used: D:\User_HDD\Documents\Arduino\libraries\EEPROM
    Multiple libraries were found for "Servo.h"
    Used: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.1.0\libraries\Servo
    Not used: D:\Programs\Arduino\libraries\Servo
    Not used: D:\User_HDD\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Servo
    Multiple libraries were found for "SPI.h"
    Used: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.1.0\libraries\SPI
    Not used: D:\User_HDD\Documents\Arduino\libraries\SPI
    exit status 1
    no matching function for call to 'EEPROMClass::read(uint16_t&, uint16_t*)'

Windows 10 x64 Arduino IDE 1.8.18

Has anyone seen this before?

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the slow response. I've been away for Christmas.

May I suggest you follow these instructions for now, with this link in Preference:


What's happening here is that my auto board identification code looks for the "__BluePill_F103C8__" or "MCU_STM32F103RB" macro, and the newer development environment is using a different identifier.

#elif defined (__BluePill_F103C8__) ||  defined (MCU_STM32F103RB)
  #define Target_Board   1      // Blue Pill STM32F103C8  
  #define STM32F103C8
zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Alternatively, temporarily insert

#define STM32F103C8

in place of

#error "No board type defined!"

TTN- commented 2 years ago

Thanks Eric. I've installed that and set the board accordingly.

Btw also:

#include <ardupilotmega/mavlink.h>
#include <ardupilotmega/ardupilotmega.h>

on line 128 at AntTracker.ino isn't finding the files so I've just set them manually, forgot to mention that earlier.

I'm getting a few compiler issues related to those includes now, so I might be including the wrong files. I manually set them to:

#include "D:\NetworkDrive\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GCS_MAVLink\include\mavlink\v2.0\ardupilotmega\mavlink.h"
#include "D:\NetworkDrive\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GCS_MAVLink\include\mavlink\v2.0\ardupilotmega\ardupilotmega.h"

Are these the files that are intended to be included here?

TTN- commented 2 years ago

Do I copy all the library files to User/Document/Arduino/libraries ?

TTN- commented 2 years ago

I've managed to get it to compile by doing the following: Move all arduino libraries to somewhere else temporarily so we don't get conflicts

in Documents/Arduino/libraries/ have these:


And copy everything from PixhawkArduinoMAVLink\src\ to a folder in your library, give it a name, in my case I just put it in a folder called mavlink2

Now compiles :)

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Good to hear.

Regarding Ardupilot libraries, you will find a link to the latest libs in the tracker library folder.

APM libs may be found here

zs6buj commented 1 year ago
