zs6buj / AntTracker

Antenna Tracker for tracking a moving model aircraft or drone with a small high-gain UHF or SHF antenna
GNU General Public License v3.0
141 stars 41 forks source link

Porting project to PlatformIO project, as opposed to Arduino IDE #39

Closed TTN- closed 1 year ago

TTN- commented 2 years ago

Would you be open to having this project converted into a PlatformIO project? I'm thinking of doing a fork with exactly that.


It's an extension for Visual Studio Code which makes life a lot easier as a programmer, while still utilizing the arduino framework. Also supports proper debugging on most boards.

TTN- commented 2 years ago

Ok so I've made a start, and I can see there has been a LOT of work gone into making this project what it is today. There's also a fair bit of work in tidying it up splitting the headers into .cpp and .h files and just some general house keeping.

TTN- commented 2 years ago


zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Good morning TTN. Yes of course, that would be a nice step forward. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm working from my mobile for the next two weeks.

EDIT: I previously started a little project to modularize the tracker, but got inevitably sidetracked into something else more urgent. Lol.

TTN- commented 2 years ago

Good morning to you too ZS6buj,

Haha, I know the feeling, got side tracked into this! Alright well I'm working on it, might be a few days till I come out with something functional, did you get anywhere with what you had? I'm part way through splitting it all up into headers/cpp files. Is it worth sharing?

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Yeah, definitely worth sharing. PIO with included libs is much easier for others to build and flash IMO, and easier to debug.

I got quite far, but then hit some snags with dependencies. Then sidetracked, :)

zs6buj commented 1 year ago

no progress on this. Sorry I've been quite busy elsewhere