zs6buj / AntTracker

Antenna Tracker for tracking a moving model aircraft or drone with a small high-gain UHF or SHF antenna
GNU General Public License v3.0
141 stars 41 forks source link

Support for Stepper Motors #40

Closed devanesanandrews closed 1 year ago

devanesanandrews commented 2 years ago


The antenna tracker is amazing and works well.

Will there be an support for Stepper motors as they have better holding torque for bigger antennas.

Thank you

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Hello and thank you for the feedback. I don't have much experience with steppers, but I could give it a try. In your experience are they fast/responsive enough?

andykirk50 commented 2 years ago

im also very interested in this, yes they are faster and more responsive.

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Ok, cool. Could you recommend a stepper I can get for testing?

I'm also planning to auto-tune a remote magnetic loop antenna with a small stepper. (Remote, as in on the roof or somewhere like that). It needs to be geared to very finely adjust a butterfly variable capacitor. I will sample VSWR while transmitting a low power signal into the antenna, and then adjust for lowest reflected power. Any ideas where to find the geared stepper I need?

andykirk50 commented 2 years ago

nema 23 steppers are the best, used in 3d printers, however you will need a stepper driver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2oeT6RcU5Q

wsqzdz commented 2 years ago

I have achieved PWM by using 328p Drive two closed-loop stepper motors, but there are still some problems. The system becomes complex. I tried to modify the code of anttracker, but I didn't test it.

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Lol. I did a quick stepper refresher after the previous posts. Thanks for the video. This should be doable. Maybe I can scrounge some older printer parts.

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

I have achieved PWM by using 328p Drive two closed-loop stepper motors, but there are still some problems. The system becomes complex. I tried to modify the code of anttracker, but I didn't test it.

May I ask which library you used?

andykirk50 commented 2 years ago

id happily donate parts if there was a way to get them to you. zs6buj can you private message me?



wsqzdz commented 2 years ago

I use library accelstepper , using 328p to convert PWM into driving pulse. In order to avoid losing steps, I used a closed-loop driver

devanesanandrews commented 2 years ago

Hello and thank you for the feedback. I don't have much experience with steppers, but I could give it a try. In your experience are they fast/responsive enough?

Yes they are pretty good also its based on the Micro stepping and the torque used.

I would recommend to go with a proper stepper motor driver Like Tb6600 (https://www.amazon.co.uk/ARCELI-TB6600-Stepper-Controller-controller/dp/B07J2S7198/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1YOWVM2GIK4YK&keywords=tb6600&qid=1640707688&sprefix=tb660%2Caps%2C192&sr=8-4)or

the ones used in the 3d printers A4988 (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Longruner-Stepstick-Stepper-Driver-Printer/dp/B071P41ZBW/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=31Y1TK8CO2UG8&keywords=3d+printer+stepper+driver&qid=1640707732&sprefix=3d+printer+stepper+dribe%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzOFJDQjRFN1MwWjVFJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjc4Nzk3MjBFM09VNzdPNlBHNiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzI0MDU2T1BYNzhVWlFFRU9aJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==)

I have been using tb6600 with my diy cnc and i should say its works pretty good.

Regarding stepper motor antenna tracker here is a 3d printed version from @kolins-cz


STL Files : https://github.com/kolins-cz/antenna-tracker-mechanics

I do have motors and drivers, though i am not a coder i can support with testing.

Thank you

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

All good information. Also thanks for the offer of parts. First let me look around on the web and see if I can find a suitable "mule" stepper and driver for testing, with reasonably quick shipping.

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

So I ordered two of these and two of these, and I'll start looking at the code while waiting for delivery. Shipping through our post office can be quite slow, unfortunately.

devanesanandrews commented 2 years ago

@zs6buj That was nice very curios to see the antenna tracker with stepper motors.

I believe these will be of some help. Controlling stepper motors with RC PWM signal.




zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Thank you. I'm waiting impatiently for the hardware. :(

zs6buj commented 1 year ago

Hey Deva, I've been busy elsewhere as you know. I have the steppers now, so when I get some time I can take this further. Closing for now.