zs6buj / AntTracker

Antenna Tracker for tracking a moving model aircraft or drone with a small high-gain UHF or SHF antenna
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Calculating issue of heading #47

Closed Razsmithii closed 2 years ago

Razsmithii commented 2 years ago


Everything works fine in the Code: great config, compiling, getting Data via Protocol, getting GPS, compass heading.. BUT: calculation of heading is not correct:

21:42:22.500 hom.lat = 47.9879341 hom.lon = 7.8289866 hom.alt = 300 cur.lat = 47.9878387 cur.lon = 7.8294182 cur.alt = 292 cur.alt_ag = 0 21:42:22.505 hc_vector.az= 236.05 hc_vector.el= 0.00 hc_vector.dist= 14388836 Elapsed= 117.559

I tried own GPS (Option 4) and GPS on plane: Same Problem!

At least, distance can not be true, it should be around 35m. Do you have any advice? Thanks in advance....

zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Hmm. Yes, the calc result looks obviously wrong, but I have never seen this before.

I simply use the trig Pythagoras equations. Maybe try declaring the variables volatile.

Maybe isolate the code in a separate small sketch and test it there.

Razsmithii commented 2 years ago

Problem is found, but seems to be related to arifly´s BLE version (https://github.com/arifly/AntTracker): Inside the "AzEl"-Sktech, the following is calculated:

#if (Telemetry_In == 5) 
      float lon2 = cur.lon;
      float lat2 = cur.lat;

but this one is correct (and tested) for me:

float lon2 = cur.lon / 180 * PI;
float lat2 = cur.lat / 180 * PI;
zs6buj commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I have not yet had a chance to look at arifly's branch, but look forward to do so as soon as I get the chance. :)