zs6buj / mav2pt

Mavlink to FrSky Passthrough protocol telemetry
GNU General Public License v3.0
120 stars 47 forks source link

Teensy LC #3

Closed simjman closed 4 years ago

simjman commented 6 years ago

Does this support Teensy-LC? If not, is it possible to make it supported?

zs6buj commented 6 years ago

Hi simian

I just compared them and the LC looks pretty close to the 3.2 spec. The lack of FIFO buffers on the serial ports is different, and it is likely to be slightly slower, but that should not be a problem. The pins we use also appear to be identical. If you have an LC, then try it, but I cannot guarantee it will work. I don't have one and can't test it here right now, but might just buy one to try..

simjman commented 6 years ago

That sounds great. I have already heavily invested in the Teensy-LC on my airframes with Athertop's Mavlink-FrSky code - and this was working well. However I have spent the last few days trying with your code on the same setup and Yapuu's telemetry script with no luck. When I change the teensy code from Athertop's to yours, the sensor discovery returns nothing (and yes I am deleting and restarting the discovery). What should the SERIAL#_PASSTHROUGH be set to for your code? I have tried 1 & 10 with no luck - and yes I rebooted between changes. This particular airframe is with a pixhawk 1 & X8R. I am also using a Taranis 9XD with Opentx 2.2.

I have also set the parameters in your code to Air_Mode & Target_Teensy3x.

The wiring is the same as your airside diagram, except I use +5v from the Rx s.port to Teensy Vin.

I have not tried your most recent change with the LED feedback, but will try it tonight.

Btw, the link to the "Ground side with Orange 1W and HC-06 Bluetooth" image is broken.

Appreciate your help

zs6buj commented 6 years ago

Hi simjman


You mean inside MP. It must be set to 10, and the telemetry speed to 57, obviously for the Pixhawk port you are using.

Then make sure in the source code this line looks like this "#define Use_Serial1_For_SPort // The default, else use Serial3", then S.Port is on serial1, which means pin 1, which is the same on the LC according to Google. :)

Thanks, I'll check the link.

Not sure what

simjman commented 6 years ago

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the help.

I've tried the new code with passthrough set to 10 and have a continuously blinking LED.

The source code is as you have suggested.

Does this link change your understanding of how the LC works? https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_uart.html

zs6buj commented 6 years ago

No, I checked out that link before.

A blinking LED means you are getting serial data, but no heartbeats from Mavlink.

Oh, I just realised that I am wrong about setting the telemetry to 10 (Passthru), because I assume you want to convert Mavlink to S.Port Passthru, not so?

If you can get Passthru protocol telemetry straight out of the Pixhawk, why do this at all? Are you running APM or PX4 firmware?

zs6buj commented 6 years ago

Hey simjman

Have you made any progress?

simjman commented 6 years ago

Hi Eric,

Sorry about the delay. Been busy. After your previous comment I finally twigged that the teensy wasn't a replacement for the FUL-1 and passthrough, which is what I was hoping for so I didn't have to do any hardware mods. However I just so happened to have a few FUL-1's sitting around, so I wired it up and got the passthrough working as per the wiki. Now I understand what these different systems are for, whereas previously it wasn't 100% clear. Either way I never did get the teensy LC working. I do have another airframe still running an apm 2.5 so I might be back here trying to get it working soon anyway. Appreciate your help.

choyado commented 5 years ago

I have a Teency LC and am willing to do some testing. However, I am struggling to get the code to compile right now. Is there a list of libraries that are required to compile?

zs6buj commented 5 years ago

Hi choyand

Be sure to clone the libraries folder together with the appropriate version source. Then copy/merge the library folder into the default sketchbook location. The usual library path rules apply.


This is the default library folder on my machine. You are likely to have many more libraries than this, as this is a fresh installation.


If you want to use Mavlink version 2 (recommended), then the source is set up to use the c_library-v2 library, otherwise for Mavlink 1 change back to the GCS_Mavlink folder.

zs6buj commented 5 years ago

Oh, and I have not tested the Teensy LC yet.

choyado commented 5 years ago

I was able to get it to compile and upload to the Teency LC with the following warnings. I will attempt to connect it to my ULRS system. Is there an easy way to tell if the Teency is communicating with Mavlink? I suppose just installing FrskyTelemetryScript and checking the dipaly to se if it is coming through?

Sketch uses 45232 bytes (71%) of program storage space. Maximum is 63488 bytes. Global variables use 8076 bytes (98%) of dynamic memory, leaving 116 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8192 bytes. Low memory available, stability problems may occur. No Teensy boards were found on any USB ports of your computer. Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.

zs6buj commented 5 years ago

You can safely ignore the warning. It comes complements of the Mavlink 2 library. Upload the sketch to the LC and immediately switch to the serial monitor. You should see 'Starting...' and some other information. If you hook up good Mavlink telemetry the LED (not the power led) should come on.

Thanks for testing the LC for potential users.