Closed gmarcz closed 5 years ago
@gmarcz @zsajjad I also get this error and follow the same steps as mentioned in the issue. Please help me to resolve this. Thanks in advance.
Hi @anjanaNewput I created a new fork and made some changes over there and updated the readme, so I will not repeat it here :)
Only one thing I left out there, first time when you build the app you may get some errors:
to fix these you need to execute these commands:
cd node_modules/react-native/scripts
cd ../third-party/glog-0.3.5
I hope this helps.
@gmarcz you could have used firebase branch for this
I want to use the firebase version of the library, but I can't get to build the project, always get some errors.
I created my project with expo like: expo init myproject Installed the firebase version of this module: npm install git+ Then ejecting it: expo eject Changing the directory to ios and creating Podfile: pod init
Added these lines to the Podfile: pod 'yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga' pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native' pod 'RNTextDetector', path: '../node_modules/react-native-text-detector/ios'
Then updating and installing the pods with: pod update, pod install
Opening the myproject.xcworkspace file and adding GoogleService-Info.plist and finally tried to build it, but got this error:
import <FirebaseCore/FirebaseCore.h> <= 'FirebaseCore/FirebaseCore.h' file not found
And I see some other errors as well, in the RNTextDetector > RCTBridgeModule.h:
typedef struct RCTMethodInfo { <= Redefinition of 'RCTMethodInfo'
What do I miss ?