zsajjad / react-native-text-detector

Text Detector from image for react native using firebase MLKit on android and Tesseract on iOS
MIT License
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Cannot read property 'detectFromUri' of undefined #13

Open whdlrghks opened 5 years ago

whdlrghks commented 5 years ago

My app can be builded.

But when I activate the detectFromUri function, it shows it is undefined.

And also, I see the console, RNTextDetector is undefined after import this module.

How to solve this issue?

SargoDarya commented 5 years ago

Same issue here. Would love to know what the issue is here.

zsajjad commented 5 years ago

Please make sure you have followed all the steps for linking library on native side.

nasseh101 commented 5 years ago

Could this be an Expo issue?

RiteekaC commented 5 years ago

Facing the same issue. Seeking help to resolve this on urgent basis. Displays as warning. Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id:0): TypeError : undefined is not an object (evaluating '-reactNativeTextDetector.RNTextDetector.detectFromUri')

I am using CRNA configuration not Expo.

Also want to know whether this library can be used with Expo too?

alicanali-technoperia commented 5 years ago

Issue solved after properly linking the library as @zsajjad suggested. I also had to create "google-services.json" file from Firebase for application to work