zsajjad / react-native-text-detector

Text Detector from image for react native using firebase MLKit on android and Tesseract on iOS
MIT License
222 stars 60 forks source link

RNTextDetectorModule #5

Closed kashifJawed90 closed 6 years ago

kashifJawed90 commented 6 years ago

whatsapp image 2018-10-06 at 3 00 38 am

Hi, I tried to implement this but not working at my end. To replicate:

react-native init myApp then cd myApp. npm install react-native-text-detector --save

It seems it happened in the file RNTextDetectorModule.java in line 51.

Task result = line 51: this.detector.processImage(image)

zsajjad commented 6 years ago

This package uses firebase ML Kit on Android and TesseractOCR on iOS. For android please make sure you have integrated firebase properly. Here is the guide for doing this.


kashifJawed90 commented 6 years ago

Thanks resolved ! -I created a project on firebase console with package name "com.businessCard" (replace it with your own package name) -added google-services.json file inside android/src/ -In the android/app/build.gradle(app) add line at the end : apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'