Antigen works very well with ohmyzsh. I tried prezto but I don't know how to set prezto embeded themes (eg. sorin) ?
here is my zshrc:
source ~/.antigen.zsh
antigen use prezto
# this supposed to be nothing with the issue
function _z() { _zlua "$@"; }
antigen bundle skywind3000/z.lua
antigen bundle changyuheng/fz
# some not shown
antigen bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/helper
antigen bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/editor
antigen bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/git
# not work, no theme loaded, just a `%` prompt
antigen theme sorin
# this could show theme , but with `prompt_sorin_precmd:5: permission denied: prompt-pwd` eror messages
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'sorin'
antigen apply
It seems the case is just like #539 , is there any solutions?
Antigen works very well with ohmyzsh. I tried prezto but I don't know how to set prezto embeded themes (eg. sorin) ?
here is my zshrc:
It seems the case is just like #539 , is there any solutions?