zsh-users / antigen

The plugin manager for zsh.
MIT License
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Antigen can't load git plugin correctly. #719

Open dominikheinz opened 3 years ago

dominikheinz commented 3 years ago


Loading the git plugin with antigen from my zshrc gives the following error prompt: zsh: command not found: git_prompt_info.

Steps to reproduce

Minimal steps to reproduce this behavior. Example:

1 - Install zsh and antigen
2 - Use `antigen bundle git` in the zshrc to load/install the plugin, followed by the `antigen apply`
3 - Source the zshrc.
4 - Observer the error in the prompt: `zsh: command not found: git_prompt_info`

Expected behavior:

- The git plugin would be loaded normally

Software version


# Setup environment variables
export EDITOR=nano
export HISTFILE=$HOME/.config/zsh/.zhistory
export ADOTDIR=$HOME/.config/antigen/

# Setup aliases
alias ll="ls -lha"

# Source antigen
source $ADOTDIR/antigen.zsh

# Setup options to parse prompt colors
autoload -U colors && colors
setopt promptsubst

# Load oh-my-zsh lib
antigen use oh-my-zsh

# Load plugins
antigen bundle command-not-found
antigen bundle git
antigen bundle pip
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting

# Load themes
#antigen theme robbyrussell

# Apply changes
antigen apply

More information

Note: My zshrc is in a custom location (/home/user/.config/zsh/) I used to only load the git plugin with oh-my-zsh just like this, and I never had this problem. However when loading the same plugin via antigen I am prompted this error.