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Doesn't compatiable with vim's quickfix. #2

Closed Mizuchi closed 11 years ago

Mizuchi commented 11 years ago

Reproduce the problem:

  1. create a illegal c++ source file.

    $ echo "int main() { illegal c++ program. }" > a.cpp

  2. write a makefile for it

    $ echo -e "all:\n\tg++ a.cpp" > makefile

  3. execute :make in vim

    $ vim -e "make"

vim should jump to a.cpp and report errors. It works in bash, zsh or fish. However in fizsh, vim reports "No errors" and doesn't jump to a.cpp.

I tried in several environments (and disabled all vim's plugins): debian 7.0, vim 7.3-547, fizsh 1.0.2, xterm 278 with dwm 6.0 archlinux, vim 7.3-798, fizsh 1.0.5, xterm 298/tty, dwm 6.0/xfce4

A funny thing is if current shell is fizsh, even if I switch to bash ($ bash), or open a new virtual terminal ($ xterm -e bash), vim's quickfix still doesn't work.

guidovansteen commented 11 years ago

Interesting... However, even though I tried, I cannot reproduce the bug. On my machine everything works the same for fizsh, zsh, bash, and fish. I have never used vim's quickfix features though. So I may have miss something.

Anyway, I would not expect a difference between zsh and fizsh because fizsh is just a layer of simple scripts that enhances zsh.

Could you provide more details about how the bug can be triggered?

guidovansteen commented 11 years ago

One more question:

Why should

user@machine ~> vim -e "make"

jump to "a.cpp" and report errors?

On my machine it does not... Neither under zsh, bash, fish nor under fizsh. I even tried this with an empty ".vimrc" file.

Instead vim just creates a file called "make", and enters into its "Ex mode"... This seems expected behavior according to the vim documentation.

Mizuchi commented 11 years ago

Sorry, that's a typo, the correct cmd is: vim -c "make"

Mizuchi commented 11 years ago

On my machine, Zsh works fine, but fizsh doesn't work. I also tried that output make's error to a file ($ make >& error.log) and then use ":cfile error.log" in vim to read the error file, and this time, everything works fine in fizsh. I guess, maybe fizsh has some problem with pipe that impede vim read error from make (that's also explain why vim reported "No errors"). vim uses command like "!make 2>&1 | tee /tmp/va5Pdt5/0" to get the error from make.

I also tried gvim. You know what, If gvim is opened in fizsh, quickfix doesn't work. However, if gvim is opened by bash, quickfix works.

I just installed a fresh archlinux in virtualbox and the problem is still exist. If you are familiar with archlinux, you could try to install a base system in virtualbox, download and install fizsh from AUR (or install manually if you like). And just try it in tty, you would likely reproduct this issue.

I guess install debian instead of archlinux in virtualbox would get the same issue. Though fizsh in debian stable or testing is a little bit dated (1.0.2), but archlinux use the latest version (1.0.5) and still has the same issue.

Mizuchi commented 11 years ago

Just let you know, I tested with debian stable in virtualbox, base system, no desktop environment, no x-window, fresh install and just gcc, vim and fizsh in tty. And I still could reproduct this issue.

guidovansteen commented 11 years ago

Hi Mizuchi,

Indeed "vim -c make" reproduces the bug. I checked out which part of fizsh causes this, and the culprit is the syntax highlighting sripts, which are sourced by fizsh. They are being maintained at https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting. You should report this bug there.

I will close this bug because it is unrelated to the core fizsh scripts. Thanks for you report.