zslwyuan / AMF-Placer

AMF-Placer 2.0: An open-source timing-driven analytical mixed-size FPGA placer of heterogeneous resources (LUT/FF/LUTRAM/MUX/CARRY/DSP/BRAM...)
Apache License 2.0
98 stars 21 forks source link

Can i have the original design and device file of the VCU108? #13

Closed BQ233 closed 8 months ago

BQ233 commented 8 months ago

Hi,I am using AMF2.0 to reproduce the experiment about vivado,but i can't find the desigin and device file for vivado to run the flow ,"2_6_LoadtheOutputPlacementinVivado Load the Output Placement in Vivado".So could you please provide the original design and device file like .v or .xpr format ? THANK YOU !!!

BQ233 commented 8 months ago

have found the vivado project in 3_3.